Well, today was kind of a rampant interwebs day. Got in one of those moods to update myself on a lot.
Alright, 4am shifts the rest of the week. I feel old, snoozing early and bitching at people in the house for being too loud when I'm trying to sleep.
But I get to work with Crysta on Saturday, our first shift together in weeks!
Getting some pretty sweet overtime this paycheck. Still having mixed opinions about our new management though. Went to work this morning. At 3am. On my day off. Supposedly to cover a shift for someone who was supposed to, and needs to, get fired.
Still keeping said person, dammit.
A buddy of mine who worked a graveyard shift came over afterwords with booze (It's been a... Read More
So some new and prominently good changes at work. More hours and a better routine.
The lady and I aren't getting a place together until spring. More time to save up.
She and I are at 1 1/2 months now (not counting the one day we separated) though
and quite happy. Still trying to cut back on vices (bar nights and just general drinking)
to... Read More
So it's looking like Oct. will be my last month on here.
Slowly cutting back on a few things to add some minor help to getting a new place with the girlfriend (we reconciled).
Unless I hit some mass overtime next paycheck of course. We shall see.
Needed the car towed 3 times in 2 days, Trivial bullshit be damned!
The first week of new changes at work, went from a 8-10 people during a shift to only 6.
Car is fixed, tomorrow is my Friday at work. I'm gonna have some alcohol dammit!
Also listening to Tool, because I fucking earned it!
Killin' time until my lady shows up. Frankly, alcohol... Read More
The end of the month can't be hear fast enough. PAX!!!!!!
Ugh, need to get through one more month of work without killing someone.
Even if you aren't gonna be at the even itself, you should make your way to downtown Seattle that weekend. Epic dinners with epic people in an epic city during an epic weekend at some epic bars doing some epic drinking.