And I answered!
Im currently out on my annual Mammoth (or near mammoth) camping trip!
We started in Bishop (image above) slept and woke up at dawn to climb the Buttermilks until the heat forced us out.
There was so much amazing rock, I can't wait to go back and spend some more time climbing. But we had a schedule to keep!!
Next was up to Yosemite, staying in Tuolumne Meadows for a couple nights.
There were deer everywhere! And the rut haden't begun yet, so they all had the fuzz on their antlers still! Not to mention they were super friendly, or as friendly as wild non-humanized deer can be.
Mecca!!!! The valley! It was incredible.
Stopped in Bodie ghost town for some Clint Eastwood action.
First day climbing sport on the trip, The Warming Wall at Mammoth.
Finally settled our base camp in Rock Creek for the rest of our stay.
I got pretty damn good at chopping wood, having an incredible BaseCamp X axe definitely helped. ;)
Amazing sunsets on the lake.
Trekked up to Clark Canyon and led on some amazing rock!
It's been such an amazing trip already!!
I'm sure I'll have more to share soon!
IG- Venomblackbird