They scare me....
But I'll get used to it, I'll have to O_o.
I think I like how the blog's lay out so far. The spacing and typeface is nice, the HTML code works much better than the old one.
Quotes look lovely
Links look clean. Inputting them is a little obnoxious..
There are a few things I am really bummed to not have any more, favorites, *fixed*the full comment counts on sets*fixed*, set titles on the preview photos, blog feeds on the front page, edit button on comments. So far I am not in love with the front pages lay out. To me it jumbles things around a bit, I'm never quite sure what I'm looking at. I would like to see a little bit more labeling maybe? The text boxes get a little funny for me, jumping to the next line for no reason, and the search feature is preeeeettttyyy damn sensitive.. It's sort of getting annoying. haha I'm feeling a little old, like I can't figure out how to use this dang old computing machine. *shakes fist, yells at kids to get off lawn*
and the log in....
What's the word out there in the SGland? How are you all liking the changes?
IG and Vine. @VenomBlackbird
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PS3, VenomBlackBird