That being said, the trip started with flying out to Georgia:
I was very excited about being able to watch It's Always Sunny on the plane!
Finally got to Atlanta!
I fell madly in love with this piece of taxidermy ^ I'm still trying to figure out how to afford it!!
Stone Mountain
Georgia - - - - - - - - - - - - - - New York
Stopped by Obscura <3 Sadly not enough time to go to Evolution
First time on the metro!
Bouldering in Central Park
Me and my co-driver (enjoying a snack!

Antigone and
Blackcentr met us out there!
Beautiful installation
New York - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Boston
Some awesome prints I grabbed at the Boston Tattoo Convention
Boston - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ohio
Truck stop demons..
I spent many hours looking through space photos during the 45 spent in the car
Woke up at
King's house
I am really in love with all of the rad ladies out there in Ohio..
We bush-whacked out to shoot!
A few were lost along the way
Laughing at the hilarious photos of me reacting to the hungry fish taking passing nibbles during the shoot.
Ohio - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Wisconsin
We drove through the night, left Ohio at midnight, and arrived in Wisconsin at 9 am!
Just in time to pick my little sister up from her first day of school!
Playing Frisbee with my little brother
My mom <3
My mom's burger from her food truck, The Grilled Tease, featured in the local magazine!
Spent an entire day trap and skeet shooting! It was a blast!!!!
Ya. Baby deer.

Ooooooooooooh ya.
With fresh cheese in tow, it was time to go back home!
Right back home to my cat having an allergic reaction to his flea medication and seizing his way right to the vet.
On the bright side, he did get his paws on some RAD kitty dope
Spent the entire evening loaded as hell..
Pirate the cat was pretending she was loaded too:
After all that nonsense, a trip to the clay "spa" was in order!
hehehe dinosaur skin..^
With all of that said and done, I'm home now! Slowly getting back to real life.
Hope you enjoyed my unload of images!! For your patience I direct you to some stimulant of another kind
I cant thank you all enough for all of the positive feedback and responses to
Khaleesi! I've read all of the comments and tried to respond to all of my mail, I feel so proud of this project!
Dwam, and I worked very hard on this set and i think it shows! Again, thank you so much

You've all really made me smile!