Thank you all for your comments and feedback that made it go live -I know it's not the most original set or as creative as some of my older ones. But I wanted my first set in two years to be simple, intimate and truthful.

And since I know it is going to allure certain type of comments I'll post the answers even though most of the anonymous taggers and myspace flamers don't read the blogs

...yes, I'm aware of the fact that I'm not size 0 nor do I look like a blow-up doll. There are plenty of sites to suit those fantasies. No need to pay monthly fee for self-defined sets if you wish to have yours served in a more normative manner.
...no, I am not interested in your opininions about my body shape, hair or art. Ref. prevorious statement.
...and since this is the site where women choose to present themselves in the way they like to, I'm not interested in your posing advice either. You don't need to tell me that the set lacks of pussy shoots, I'm sort-of aware of that too, being the model, photographer and -shopper.
More about the choice not to airbrush my skin from my prevorious blog
Too bad I'm not into fighting on the Internet anymore, would like to question some people's reasons and reasoning. Calling girls chubby, ugly or picking on their personal features is a way to control them, showing them their place, making sure they will be crying over unrealistic ideals instead of fulfilling their own fantasies. Luckily those comments don't have such a big effect on me anymore since I've long since realized the connections between power and beauty ideals but I cannot help myself thinking how will they affect someone else with same features but less feminist rage?
And at times I just wish people wouldn't complain about not getting hamburgers when they voluntarily venture into a sushi bar
On other news, got to see Front 242 at Alternative party, a demoparty/digital culture festival last friday. The theme was steampunk and despite the fact I didn't have the time to get myself a full Victorian outfit, I was pretty happy with what I found in my closet
The corset fit surprisingly well though I haven't been tight lacing in years.
It's autumn. That means loads of work. I'll need to read two books, around ten articles and write a few essays, seminaire papers etc. within a few weeks. So I'm really sorry for not being able to answer all your comments right away, but I'll be back soon
In the meantime, take a look at these sets in member review
Miranda - Heavenly Creature by me
Korento - Ordeal by Roses by me
Lumiere - Liberty by Cherry ♥
They are all great and these girls truly deserve to have new sets. They are from the time MR sets didn't show on front page so I think many of you might have missed them.
But off to work it is, many pages of surrogate decision making to read now.
p.s. sexy feminist might be my favourite tag, ever