This pictures my live quite well: Stressfull things (unwashed hair, wearing the same shirt every day, no make up) and calm things (spending my nights at home, streching my left ear to 19mm (3/4"), the expression. And being able to wear the same clothes/not take care of myself every goddamn day because I love the stuff I'm studying and do not want to disturb my reading with things from the actual world.) I have this problem with the world, sometimes I wish I was a brain in a jar and could fully concentrate on my intellectual interests. But in a way, I have been doing it my whole life. And I should take better care of myself. Goal #1 for 2007.
The best news in a while: I'm going to Paris and Rome (and perhaps Milan too) next month. A bit after I got sick and had to cancel my trip to UK I got email from one of the low cost airplane companies with special offers. I booked flights to Paris and Rome (because round trip was much cheaper) and kinda tried not to think about it. I had no idea what kind of work situation or period at university I would have by the time so I tried not to expect too much (especially because I was really really sad after the long waited unlucky UK trip). Well, it seems it's going to happen - We have booked the hostel in Paris and are trying to choose one in Rome. I'll probably visit the Milan tatoo convention too, yay!
I can't wait to see all the things I've always dreamed of and the ones I miss (I've visited Paris before and it's one of my favourite cities if not my favourite one and I'm really sad I only saw bits of Rome when visiting Italy

*cute, artsy and unique shops, cafs and restaurants
*vegan/vegetarian shops, cafs and restaurants
*vegan/fair trade/natural cosmetics (and shops that might sell that kinds of stuff)
*smaller art galleries and such (the ones I can't find in my tourist guide books)
*punk/darkwave/goth clubs, bars and gigs
*weird monuments and museums
*surrealistic everything
I'd also love to meet local SGs (I've posted in the French and Italian SGs groups) so if you have time and would like to show me your city/take me to a party/spend some time (or shoot a set) it would be superduper wonderful

The last time I visited Paris (2001) finding vegatarian food was really hard. I hope it's easier nowadays though I do wish I could eat something french too (unfortunately all the classic cuisines mostly serve animal parts). In Italy it was easier because most of the places had vegetarian pizza or pasta on the list. Finding cheese without rennet is going to be hard, I know. (I think it's prsure[i/] in French and caglio in Italian? You know, the stuff from cow's stomach)
And last but not least: if you are photographer or model located (or happen to be) in Paris, Rome or Milan, and want to work with me - please contact me via the SG message thingy or leave me a comment. I'm taking my eos 400d with me so shooting sets for SG or other projects would be wonderful! And for the photographers: I am available for portfolio, editorial, fashion, fine art, portraiture and artistic photography projects. I'll be in Paris from 8th to 15th February and in Italy (mostly in Rome) from 15th to 25th February.
See you soon!

I'd say go for vegan pizza without cheese at all....its less filling and still tastes great...specially if its an italian made one!
u look even more beautiful without makeup, 4 sure!
I miss you!
(and I keep fucking up everytime I try to send you the pics that are still on my compy!