Good evening people (here in Italy it's night now)!
This is my first time writing here on SG and so it must be a moment memorable and special.
I will speak to you of my favorite video games when I was a child!
So.. I grew up with the Playstation!
The Playstation was definitely my best friend!
But ... What were my favorite games?
Memorable: RUGRATS.
How many of you have ever played this game??
I LOVED HIM! Actually I love him still!
My memories are quite a bit blurred, but I remember that I used to spend entire afternoons after schoolto play with this video games.
There are many mini games and levels, a game suitable for kids and fun! After years of searching I finally find it on sale and I bought it for (re)play and find lost memories!
Another game that I loved is the unique and inimitable Crash Bandicoot, don't ask you if you have ever played because the answer is only one: YES YES YES.
Crash needs no introduction, you know: is the bestvideo games of all time.
Along with Crash seem right remember Spyro, the beautiful purple dragon that I was in love.
I swear that Dragon had made me fall in love.
I don't know why or how.
When was the young hatched eggs and I went madwith joy, sooner or later I will have it on my skin!
Then there are games that I can't even remember the name! A video games starring a purple devil that overlooked the hunt for something (sorry, but my memory is like Dory) LOL
Remember a game where there is this kind of ufo in the mines. I'm only 21 years old, I don't want to imagine 40 years how will my memory!
I admit that I don't eat fish!
And ... OMG.
How can I forget him?
Or stil BUGS BUNNY Lost In Time
And I have many others, so many to finish in 1 month (my memory doesn't help, but google yes!).
Now it's up to you. Which video games will remember your childhood?
Thank you so much for reading, and I apologize forthe time that I have stolen!
A kiss to all!
@missy @bloghomework
@missy @bloghomework