Super Sad Blog
This is a bit of a sad one. On Saturday night my sister calls me crying and screaming down the phone line. She is 29 weeks pregnant and has gone into premature labor. I race to the hospital speeding the whole way. By the time I get there she has just given birth to a little girl who sadly did not survive.
The same thing happened to my precious little sister on Christmas day last year, She gave birth to a little boy at 30 weeks and he also did not survive.
My little sister is 22 and she has a daughter the same age as Harley (3) but at 22 you should not have to go through the pain of loosing a child. And this brave girl has lost 2 in one year. I take my hat off to her. She is brave and strong beyond her years. I have been through a lot of shit in my life but nothing compares to the pain she would be feeling.
I am not a religious person and there was a nurse is the hospital who said to me (thankfully not my sister) that 'its ok the baby is with god now'. WHAT??? If your god is so kind and loving why would he take a baby away from his loving mother and family when this child has not even had a chance to live, not even taken a breath from this earth? I was so mad at this lady. I walked away and said quietly "fuck your god"
I dont understnd it and I'm sure people have their reasons for believeing but I can't do it. There is nothing that will convince me that god is real. The only way I will believe is when I die. And if he is real, he better watch out because I have some questions that need answers!
Sorry for getting all anti-god. But I get so angry that this keeps happening to my sister. She is a wonderful mother and desperately wants to have more children. But I dont think she will ever try again. She has mentioned adopting but its so bloody hard to adopt in tis country. I hope they can find some answers to give her so she will stop blaming herself. I just wish I could take all her pain and hurt away from her.
Beautiful hugs and kisses go out to my sister. I love you Button

This is a bit of a sad one. On Saturday night my sister calls me crying and screaming down the phone line. She is 29 weeks pregnant and has gone into premature labor. I race to the hospital speeding the whole way. By the time I get there she has just given birth to a little girl who sadly did not survive.
The same thing happened to my precious little sister on Christmas day last year, She gave birth to a little boy at 30 weeks and he also did not survive.
My little sister is 22 and she has a daughter the same age as Harley (3) but at 22 you should not have to go through the pain of loosing a child. And this brave girl has lost 2 in one year. I take my hat off to her. She is brave and strong beyond her years. I have been through a lot of shit in my life but nothing compares to the pain she would be feeling.
I am not a religious person and there was a nurse is the hospital who said to me (thankfully not my sister) that 'its ok the baby is with god now'. WHAT??? If your god is so kind and loving why would he take a baby away from his loving mother and family when this child has not even had a chance to live, not even taken a breath from this earth? I was so mad at this lady. I walked away and said quietly "fuck your god"
I dont understnd it and I'm sure people have their reasons for believeing but I can't do it. There is nothing that will convince me that god is real. The only way I will believe is when I die. And if he is real, he better watch out because I have some questions that need answers!
Sorry for getting all anti-god. But I get so angry that this keeps happening to my sister. She is a wonderful mother and desperately wants to have more children. But I dont think she will ever try again. She has mentioned adopting but its so bloody hard to adopt in tis country. I hope they can find some answers to give her so she will stop blaming herself. I just wish I could take all her pain and hurt away from her.
Beautiful hugs and kisses go out to my sister. I love you Button

darling it was so hard to start to actually put more than the minium payment on my loans but i just said fuck it i'll just do it fast and hoped it wouldn't be so painfull it worked went really quick cause was putting chunks on it
oh i so want to buy a place too hopefully next year for us X

Words are fairly useless in this situation so here is a BIG *hug*