Life has a crazy way of smacking you in the face sometimes.
The last week has been crazy!
Monday night we were sitting down to dinner and Harley was being a bit naughty and after a few warnings only got worse. She was throwing food and yelling because she didnt want dinner. So because she was being so naughty I told her to go to her room. She wasnt happy about this and starting screaming and throwing more food. Now I am not the kind of mother who will accept this type of behaviour, and I am not going to give in when she is being so bad. So I picked her up and took her to her room and sat her on the bed and told her to stay there until i told her to come out. She then came back out and was screaming as loud as she could and hitting me. So this is when Adam stepped in. He picked her up and put her in her room and yelled at ther. His voice is a lot deeper, louder and scary than mine.
Then Adams "wonderful" mother came in and started yelling at Adam not to yell at her and that she only a baby. (She is 3 and she knows that what she was doing was naughty. I am not just going to let her behave like that. Everytime Harley gets in trouble she runs to his mum and she gets away with it.) Adam told her to stay out of it and that he can deal with it. Adam mum then proceeded to say some horrible things about the way adam takes care of his family and that he has already lost one child (his ex is a bitch and doesnt want his son coming over to upset adam)
This really got to Adam (she was very hurtful) and he lost his temper. He had a huge fight with his mum and she kicked us all out.
We were sitting in the driveway and had no where to go. It was the worst feeling sitting there with two small children and not know where you are going to sleep. We didnt have any friends with the room and we couldnt go to my parents because my dad and i dont talk. So i called my younger sister. She said they had a spare room and we could stay with them. Poor Harley kept saying "sorry for making everyone angry" This really upset me. Adam and I have NEVER had an argument in from of our children and it really upset Harley seeing this. The only other time she has ever seen an argument was when I had a fight with my dad. And I know it still upsets her, because sometimes she mentions how pa (my dad) made mummy cry. I hate the fact that she has seen two fights now. She is a very sensitive girl and over the next few night when we were at my sisters she hardly slept and and when she did sleep she would wake up with panice attacks, plus she had never stayed at my sister new house so she was out of her comfort zone. It was a really hard few days. We had no idea where we were going to go and how we could afford it.
My sister was an angel, she said we could stay there untill we figured it out and she was a great help. She has a heart of gold. And her partner was great too. He was really good even though Harley was up crying all night.
It was so hard. I didnt really have anyone to turn to. My best friend lives 16 hours away. She said we could go down there and stay. I couldnt turn to my mum because even though we still talk (unfortunately not like before when we were best friends) I know she sides with my dad and I dont want to put her in an awkward situation.
Adam being the wonderful man that he is, knew that it was affecting Harley and he never wants her to be like that so he called his mum and told her that harley wasnt coping and asked if we could come back there. She said she was sorry for saying the horrible things she did, and she had no right to say that. So now we are back at his mum and dads. Harley is sleeping again and a lot happier. It was a really hard few days and it was a really terrible feeling not knowing how you are going to take care of your family. I felt so bad that there was nothing I could do.
So everything is calming down a bit now. Thankfully. And hopefully everything stays nice and clam for a while. This has been a shit year so far. It can only get better. (fingers crossed)
Looking forward to the SGAU Ball.
Hope everyone is being happy little Vegemites
The last week has been crazy!
Monday night we were sitting down to dinner and Harley was being a bit naughty and after a few warnings only got worse. She was throwing food and yelling because she didnt want dinner. So because she was being so naughty I told her to go to her room. She wasnt happy about this and starting screaming and throwing more food. Now I am not the kind of mother who will accept this type of behaviour, and I am not going to give in when she is being so bad. So I picked her up and took her to her room and sat her on the bed and told her to stay there until i told her to come out. She then came back out and was screaming as loud as she could and hitting me. So this is when Adam stepped in. He picked her up and put her in her room and yelled at ther. His voice is a lot deeper, louder and scary than mine.
Then Adams "wonderful" mother came in and started yelling at Adam not to yell at her and that she only a baby. (She is 3 and she knows that what she was doing was naughty. I am not just going to let her behave like that. Everytime Harley gets in trouble she runs to his mum and she gets away with it.) Adam told her to stay out of it and that he can deal with it. Adam mum then proceeded to say some horrible things about the way adam takes care of his family and that he has already lost one child (his ex is a bitch and doesnt want his son coming over to upset adam)
This really got to Adam (she was very hurtful) and he lost his temper. He had a huge fight with his mum and she kicked us all out.
We were sitting in the driveway and had no where to go. It was the worst feeling sitting there with two small children and not know where you are going to sleep. We didnt have any friends with the room and we couldnt go to my parents because my dad and i dont talk. So i called my younger sister. She said they had a spare room and we could stay with them. Poor Harley kept saying "sorry for making everyone angry" This really upset me. Adam and I have NEVER had an argument in from of our children and it really upset Harley seeing this. The only other time she has ever seen an argument was when I had a fight with my dad. And I know it still upsets her, because sometimes she mentions how pa (my dad) made mummy cry. I hate the fact that she has seen two fights now. She is a very sensitive girl and over the next few night when we were at my sisters she hardly slept and and when she did sleep she would wake up with panice attacks, plus she had never stayed at my sister new house so she was out of her comfort zone. It was a really hard few days. We had no idea where we were going to go and how we could afford it.
My sister was an angel, she said we could stay there untill we figured it out and she was a great help. She has a heart of gold. And her partner was great too. He was really good even though Harley was up crying all night.
It was so hard. I didnt really have anyone to turn to. My best friend lives 16 hours away. She said we could go down there and stay. I couldnt turn to my mum because even though we still talk (unfortunately not like before when we were best friends) I know she sides with my dad and I dont want to put her in an awkward situation.
Adam being the wonderful man that he is, knew that it was affecting Harley and he never wants her to be like that so he called his mum and told her that harley wasnt coping and asked if we could come back there. She said she was sorry for saying the horrible things she did, and she had no right to say that. So now we are back at his mum and dads. Harley is sleeping again and a lot happier. It was a really hard few days and it was a really terrible feeling not knowing how you are going to take care of your family. I felt so bad that there was nothing I could do.
So everything is calming down a bit now. Thankfully. And hopefully everything stays nice and clam for a while. This has been a shit year so far. It can only get better. (fingers crossed)
Looking forward to the SGAU Ball.
Hope everyone is being happy little Vegemites

So hopefully things continue to get better for you guys
Have fun with the SGAU crew!
What're you going to the Ball as? I am generic Zombie #2