Only 3 days until my little baby girls 3rd birthday.
It only seems like yesterday she was born. That was by far the worst pain I have ever experienced. I really thought I was going to die. Then when Memphis was born that pain was multiplied by 50 (she got stuck)
People say "Ahh, the joy of child birth. Its the most natural and beauiful thing in the world." These people are on drugs!!!
Not beautiful. Having your vagina ripped open by an alien looking thing, while your sweating, and pushing harder than you have ever pushed, face red, teeth gritted, knuckles clenched, tears running, occasional vomitting, begging for the pain to end, It still makes me cringe.
Her birthday always makes me reflect on when she was born. She's so big now, I cant believe it was three years ago. She is an incredible girl. She is the most confident child I have ever met. Very opinionated and self assure. It makes me smile sometimes when she acts so confidently.
Anyway, I'll stop blabbing on about my children.

People say "Ahh, the joy of child birth. Its the most natural and beauiful thing in the world." These people are on drugs!!!

Her birthday always makes me reflect on when she was born. She's so big now, I cant believe it was three years ago. She is an incredible girl. She is the most confident child I have ever met. Very opinionated and self assure. It makes me smile sometimes when she acts so confidently.
Anyway, I'll stop blabbing on about my children.
Oh, you big baby. Quit your complaining, lol. 

I am glad that I will never have to go through childbirth, well other than being born that is. That is one experience I can do without and am happy to watch on DVD haha, actually scratch that I am not sure I want to see it either.