Thank you to everyone for your kind words.
I feel very lucky at the moment. But at the same time I feel a little sad. My little sister gave birth to a little boy on Christmas day that didn't survive. It makes me wonder why things like this happen? Why am I to be so lucky with my little angel and she gets so much pain? She is a good person who would never hurt anyone, if there is a god (which I dont believe) why would he take her baby? What would this prove?
And how can junkies have healthy babies and not care or love them, just give them away or let them be taken away and my sister who looks atfer herself, and her family, and did everything right loose hers?
Just some things I have been thinking about latey, its just made me more aware of how lucky I really am.
But moving on from anything too deep, everything is really good. Apart from the lack of sleep i feel great. I am really looking forward to Australia Day on Monday. i love Australia Day. Its one of my favourite days of the year, right behind christmas and my daughters birthdays.
I love this country and love having a day where we can celebrate our lucky we are to be free. I just wish that more aussie took pride in this country. Too many people are concerned with being politically correct to be proud. Like the man who was told by the council he had to remove his Australian flag because it offended his muslim neighbour. Fucking bullshit!
Luckily people rebelled against this and put up flags and the ruling got overturned. But its still bullshit.
Funniest thing happened to me yesterday...
I was in a toy shop with the my girls and I let Harley pick a toy because she had been so good all day when I had jobs to do. (She picked a tool kit) Anyway when I was paying for it. The guy asked me how old the baby was.Ii said 4 days and he said "this might sound like a dumb question but do you have a boyfriend??" I told him i was married, he said "oh, I was going to ask if you wanted to go out some time"
Who asks out someone with a two year old and a four day old???
Must have a mum fetish or something. Maybe thats why he works in a toy shop. Weirdo.
Some more pics...
I feel very lucky at the moment. But at the same time I feel a little sad. My little sister gave birth to a little boy on Christmas day that didn't survive. It makes me wonder why things like this happen? Why am I to be so lucky with my little angel and she gets so much pain? She is a good person who would never hurt anyone, if there is a god (which I dont believe) why would he take her baby? What would this prove?
And how can junkies have healthy babies and not care or love them, just give them away or let them be taken away and my sister who looks atfer herself, and her family, and did everything right loose hers?
Just some things I have been thinking about latey, its just made me more aware of how lucky I really am.
But moving on from anything too deep, everything is really good. Apart from the lack of sleep i feel great. I am really looking forward to Australia Day on Monday. i love Australia Day. Its one of my favourite days of the year, right behind christmas and my daughters birthdays.
I love this country and love having a day where we can celebrate our lucky we are to be free. I just wish that more aussie took pride in this country. Too many people are concerned with being politically correct to be proud. Like the man who was told by the council he had to remove his Australian flag because it offended his muslim neighbour. Fucking bullshit!
Luckily people rebelled against this and put up flags and the ruling got overturned. But its still bullshit.
Funniest thing happened to me yesterday...
I was in a toy shop with the my girls and I let Harley pick a toy because she had been so good all day when I had jobs to do. (She picked a tool kit) Anyway when I was paying for it. The guy asked me how old the baby was.Ii said 4 days and he said "this might sound like a dumb question but do you have a boyfriend??" I told him i was married, he said "oh, I was going to ask if you wanted to go out some time"
Who asks out someone with a two year old and a four day old???
Must have a mum fetish or something. Maybe thats why he works in a toy shop. Weirdo.
Some more pics...
Doing a bankruptcy, just need to talk to the right people