Only two days to go until my wedding and i am coming down with the flu. Sucks. plus my daughter has been throwing massive tantrums all the time and its impossible to calm her down, they go on for like two hours. she threw three yesterday that went on for ages. Plus i worked on Wednesday night and had to get up early so i only got about 3 hours sleep. she didn't go to bed until 11.30 last night. and then woke up at three and threw another tantrum. i am so sick of it. I cant wait till our honeymoon so i can get some peace and quiet. There is only so much one person can take and i think i reached my limit two weeks ago. and i still have wedding stuff to do. little last minute things that are a huge pain in the ass but need to be done.
Oh well only two more days and then its finally all over.
Oh well only two more days and then its finally all over.
here..... please read it!