IM BACK!!! It does looks like i was missing alot, but atleast im back!
here's a lil video of an artshow that i was apart of a few weekends ago.
srry for the lack of updates friends, but there has been alot of shti going on and a woman in my life that is now tearing at my heart, love is never really real....only lives in the moment, maybe thats why we search it out so much.....but on...
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here's a lil video of an artshow that i was apart of a few weekends ago.
srry for the lack of updates friends, but there has been alot of shti going on and a woman in my life that is now tearing at my heart, love is never really real....only lives in the moment, maybe thats why we search it out so much.....but on...
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ahhahah, mail me a sign and ill paint it and send it back!

oh nice! 

hello wonderful

well nothing new to report, just have been working and working on some art. I need to start posting more stuff, maybe a photo blog or something, something to get me the fuck out of my lil bubble i have built for myself....who knows. drawing jsut keeps me to myself anyways, so that doesnt work and most times its shti that i draw and throw...
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So cute 

some new shit...
well its been a while since i have posted something but life has been good. Ever since my return from Mexico i have been kicking ass in the art department. I am working on some stickers and some new art for a small press "sketchbook" to sell at the upcoming comic-con in Novi, MI. anybody going to be there? you should stop by my booth...
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Looks all night and warm

hahaha why thank you!