10 Things About Me (I'll show you mine..show me yours)
1. I have a crazy routine I must do every night before bed or I cannot sleep.
2. I cannot get into bed without making sure my feet are clean. I have to rewash my feet to get into bed. I don't know why, I've been like that since I was a child (I know, I think I have OCD or something).
3. I carry a camera, pen, drawing pencil & eraser, writing journal, sketchpad and a small dictionary with me everywhere (I mean it, everywhere!).
4. I loove wearing PJ's! I'll wear them anywhere, Lol
5. I live in bookstores and libraries. I consider them my "candy stores".
6. I love electronics! Computers, tv's, stereo equipment, etc.. I went to school for computers and such.
7. I love reading and learning about all forms of religion. It's been a hobby of mine since high school thanks to my history professor.
8. I'm passionate about animals. I'd open my own animal shelter if I could.
9. I'm a Daddy's Girl! Just ask him! I'm the youngest girl and am a twin to his personality & interests. I still call him "Daddy" and we live across the street from one another. Lol!
10. I have a HUGE perverted sense of humor. I can make a sexual reference out of almost anything! : )
~By Bella ~
1. I have a crazy routine I must do every night before bed or I cannot sleep.
2. I cannot get into bed without making sure my feet are clean. I have to rewash my feet to get into bed. I don't know why, I've been like that since I was a child (I know, I think I have OCD or something).
3. I carry a camera, pen, drawing pencil & eraser, writing journal, sketchpad and a small dictionary with me everywhere (I mean it, everywhere!).
4. I loove wearing PJ's! I'll wear them anywhere, Lol
5. I live in bookstores and libraries. I consider them my "candy stores".
6. I love electronics! Computers, tv's, stereo equipment, etc.. I went to school for computers and such.
7. I love reading and learning about all forms of religion. It's been a hobby of mine since high school thanks to my history professor.
8. I'm passionate about animals. I'd open my own animal shelter if I could.
9. I'm a Daddy's Girl! Just ask him! I'm the youngest girl and am a twin to his personality & interests. I still call him "Daddy" and we live across the street from one another. Lol!
10. I have a HUGE perverted sense of humor. I can make a sexual reference out of almost anything! : )
~By Bella ~
Hahahah nice!!!