so today i spent avoiding working; many would be proud of the effort smile managed to write about 60 words in toto and enjoyed every min editing pics from viv; will post 2 moz 4 any1 whose interested. not doin her app for sg til weekend wen we got time (yup im the lazy 1) best get sum sleep now big day 2moz; keep lovin it...
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Yeah, music at work is good, but it'll probably change when we go to XP (on NT at the moment) can always take a CD player in. Or my lovely pink ipod biggrin

Okay: what's red and can't climb a tree? A red fridge. Always follow up the first with that.
1. Tell me something obvious about you.I have buttcheeks.
2. Tell me something about you that many don't know. I broke my ribs when i was a little kid.
3. What is your biggest fear? Electricty and Heights.
4. Do you normally go the safe route or take the short cut?Safe route, and short cut. In depends on current persona.
5. Name one thing you want that you can't buy with money.Hapiness
6. What is your most treasured possession?My Stories.
7. What is the one thing you hate most about yourself that you do often?I forget a lot of things.
8. Tell me something sexually about you that I don't know.I like having sex in the dark and let my imagination go...
9. Tell me something sexually about you that everyone knows. Probably my bisexuality.
10. What is your favorite lie to tell? I am listening and/or this is very interesting.
11. Name something you've done once that you can't wait to do again. Piercings and tattoos, i always forget to get another one.
12. Are you the jealous type? Nope, completely open minded. Sharing is caring.
13. What is the one person, place or thing you can't say no to? Sex, it is very hard for me to decline sex, even if i feel uncomfortable.
14. What is the nicest thing someone has ever done for you? Too many to name. But i do like people who surprise visit me after many years.
15. If you could do something crazy right now, what would it be? Probably book a ticket to somewhere i always wanted to live and go there with nothing packed, and make a new life.
16. When was the last time you cried? Don't remember.
17. When was the last time you felt so good that nothing else mattered? Don't remember either.
18. Do you feel comfortable in public with no shirt on? Yes.
19. Name something embarrassing you did while being drunk. I went to a party, met a girl, made out, broke a lamp, got into a fight with the guy who was talking to the girl i made out, threw a keg of beer in the pool, and forgot to go back home, this was when i was 15. I haven't been drunk in a ling time.
20. If you post this in your journal would you like me to answer it?Sure.
hmm work, one of those things you can run from but you cant hide. it's gonna get me in the end. i've run out of housework to do and i have now "assumed the position". sat in front of comp; thank god for wireless internet i can skive and work at the same time........ why does anyone need to kno the benifits to pfizer of...
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You see, I'm just putting off housework. The dust on my bathroom floor is threatening to take over.

The mario thing is the best thing ever. He has the _MAD_ skills.

My bad joke: what's white and can't climb a tree? a fridge.
ahhh seee I'm not the only one with self-discipline issues! that makes me feel better smile
got the day off tomorrow!! hurrah hurrah (can u tell i'm happy) think i'll have to spend the day on sg *ahem* doing college work. i soooooo need a clone, well maybe 2 actually thinkin bout it then i'd have nothing to do and becme a boring git, sod it; u just cant win. well multitasking can be possible a clone wud have been nice...
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aha ha ha ha ha day off to do college work....I seem to have heard that somewhere before....ah yeah that would be me.....just before I sit down to "just check my email" and then get absolutely fuck all done!

Good luck smile
finally got pics of viv up, random phone call from her and bam 3 hours later she's round for the pics. determined one that one when she gets an idea in her head. next time she said she's gonna dress up for pics! dress up what did she call that?! i feel completely unprepared for all this, i may need a bigger boat
I'll be your mate fella smile
why the hell am i up at 20 to 3 in the morning writing this when i should be asleep!?! economics sucks!
dude, she would make an AWESOME SG...she is fucking hot...
today was such a ball-ache lossing half my college work completely then being forced to make accounting fun! accounting is not fun no matter what montey python tells you. still i now have economics work to look foreward to so i think ill spend the evening wisely and play mk or gta all night, hmmm the agony of decision biggrin
ugh, everyone and everything seems to be ill at the moment what the hell is going on? i suppose the really funny thing is that im writing all this knowing that no one is reaading it; typical really wink
well today was interesting, waking up with one killer hangover and not entirely sure what happened last night. didnt end up taking any pics with zen as she felt ill and said she looked poo (no one wants their picture taken when there ill now do they) meeting viv on sunday tho so wil see what she has in mind. tis all good
so finally got all my stuff set up. reckon this site could be a good way of accounting for the days events in all fairness; wont start now as yesterday consisted of sleep, work then setting up this page, adding pics etc.
mite have my first oppertunity to get some new pics today. off to meet zen and discuss the whole shibang later and see...
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ok so just joined the site. soo pleased i did, this place fuckin rocks hard! well as im here and it seems you can fill up your profile with all the lovely pics u want and so im gonna see about putting up some of the erotic pics i've taken in the past for you all to enjoy wink just have to dig them out and...
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