...if mr wiggles has taught me anything its that self-pitying bullshit doesnt win you any favour in a cartoon strip. so ill spare you the misery that was today and project my distaste of all that "is" onto other people...a healthy remedy.
it never ceases to amaze me how unobservant people can be. if cradle of filth turned up full volume, my body cloaked in black right down to my underwear, the surliest meanest most pissed off look i can muster and unethusiastic one word answers and grunts ISNT
an indication that i dont really feel like a nice friendly "chat"...then i dont know what is. my neighbour seems to think otherwise. she wedges her foot in my door almost every day with some new mindnumbingly bumfaced idea of how we can have "fun" together... this morning it was a hat exhibition...
"hats eh."
"oh its more than that! its art!"
"i think ill just go back to bed"
"...you look terrible.."
at which point she squeezes herself in the door and sits down on my bed and says...wait for it...
"lets talk"
so now in an attempt to get the slag out of my room ive agreed to go to a wanky college performance of the merchant of venice with her and her irritating friends tonight....vomit....literary fags and shakespeare... i swear these girls are the archetypal uni chicks...birkenstock sporting, calf-length floral skirt wearing, screen printed calico bag toting, chunky framed black glasses wearing pseudo-intellectual lesbians.... "oooo lets go have coffee and talk about politics and fem-vegetarianism". ooo lets not.
whatever happened to the good old days of "lets get fucked up on ritalin and head-butt things."
where the hell is my money...i need my sister.
in saying all that i realise that the 2nd paragraph makes me sound like a lame archetype myself....blah...what can you do...the goth kids threw things at me anyway.
:L: look what i can doooooo... :L:
mr vagabond, my favourite closet riot grrl makes hero status again! heheh
it never ceases to amaze me how unobservant people can be. if cradle of filth turned up full volume, my body cloaked in black right down to my underwear, the surliest meanest most pissed off look i can muster and unethusiastic one word answers and grunts ISNT
an indication that i dont really feel like a nice friendly "chat"...then i dont know what is. my neighbour seems to think otherwise. she wedges her foot in my door almost every day with some new mindnumbingly bumfaced idea of how we can have "fun" together... this morning it was a hat exhibition...
"hats eh."
"oh its more than that! its art!"
"i think ill just go back to bed"
"...you look terrible.."
at which point she squeezes herself in the door and sits down on my bed and says...wait for it...
"lets talk"

so now in an attempt to get the slag out of my room ive agreed to go to a wanky college performance of the merchant of venice with her and her irritating friends tonight....vomit....literary fags and shakespeare... i swear these girls are the archetypal uni chicks...birkenstock sporting, calf-length floral skirt wearing, screen printed calico bag toting, chunky framed black glasses wearing pseudo-intellectual lesbians.... "oooo lets go have coffee and talk about politics and fem-vegetarianism". ooo lets not.
whatever happened to the good old days of "lets get fucked up on ritalin and head-butt things."
where the hell is my money...i need my sister.
in saying all that i realise that the 2nd paragraph makes me sound like a lame archetype myself....blah...what can you do...the goth kids threw things at me anyway.
:L: look what i can doooooo... :L:
mr vagabond, my favourite closet riot grrl makes hero status again! heheh
I don't even know why i was thinking that except that for whatever reason the thought came to me and i found it vastly unjust that a man should just take in jail and we can laugh at it. There's even a comedy song ehre in the states that one of my local stations plays called "Prison Bitch" which is a comedic melody about being raped in prison. Aside from the first few times i heard it in my younger, less mature days, i haven't really found it too amusing.
Do you find that pretty much anyone you meet at uni disgusts you? I like to think of myself as the hate-everyone-except-for-the-people-who-drink-and-hate-everyone-with-me kind of student.
Oh, and illiterate, but I can deal.