stupidest most lamest shittest awful day ever. because it was like evry othr boring miserable shit day. went back to rmit. caned teh shit out of everyone with uni results... cant believe it...
surely that shldve made the day better...altho i think id rather be a self indulgent, narcissistic poet, or a reclusive tortured artist/scupltur (sp?) or a superfucknwikkedasscaningrockstar rather than a
boring (albeit ass-caning) scholar...the mind-expanding-yo'-let- be-super-smart-&-write-page-upon-page-of-boring-shit-no-one-will ever-read gives me no pleasure or just workin for e man
thinki want to napalm this building and all the stoopid people init and stride out in combat boots & shades with sid (my punk mouse) under my arm with a massivefukn fireball expoloding behind us, mount the phat shiny m-bike waitnig for us with a suitcase full of money...and ride off in to the sunset while .. the sweet snds of sndgardens birth ritual decends from the heavens...making the universally audible soundtrack to my liberating crime...
surely that shldve made the day better...altho i think id rather be a self indulgent, narcissistic poet, or a reclusive tortured artist/scupltur (sp?) or a superfucknwikkedasscaningrockstar rather than a
boring (albeit ass-caning) scholar...the mind-expanding-yo'-let- be-super-smart-&-write-page-upon-page-of-boring-shit-no-one-will ever-read gives me no pleasure or just workin for e man
thinki want to napalm this building and all the stoopid people init and stride out in combat boots & shades with sid (my punk mouse) under my arm with a massivefukn fireball expoloding behind us, mount the phat shiny m-bike waitnig for us with a suitcase full of money...and ride off in to the sunset while .. the sweet snds of sndgardens birth ritual decends from the heavens...making the universally audible soundtrack to my liberating crime...

but I am looking to download some stuff... right... now!