hey folks -
SORRY SORRY SORRY for now - cause i have no long time to write so here the important facts:
this wednesday was our divorce & we are the best friends since them.
unbelievable but true
and its like a new beginning....
if u know the "feelings" before & after this it's like thousand & one !!
uhm and we have 1m snow in the garden & i dont like the winter but if it is so much snow its fun
for me too
and probably in september i'll make a 2 year long social-college for family- street- & childwork etc & i can work as a mobile nurse for example too andandand
....and next weekend i had a lot of work cause i spend now a bit time in the house of my grandma & in this house i have my own flat - one sweet little livilng room, a nice kitchen & ein noch niceres bath
Waahhh i'm so fucking happy !!
not at all that mathias & i are able to speack good together now & this was allways what i want if the end is cominge/here....
and for my viennanitas & meinen muchacho:
.......euch klar sein das ihr mich im sommer mal besuchen msst, KLAR?? [hab auch platz!]
meine oma hat nen schei riiiiiieeesen garten zum grillen, feiern und sonst was UND sogar mit ner hohen mauer
and .... i know i know ..... i am an offical pic's Loser !
but i hope after i moved in, my sweet little flat, i have enough time to, ahm.. to do - U or SG
love ya
your crazy
SORRY SORRY SORRY for now - cause i have no long time to write so here the important facts:
this wednesday was our divorce & we are the best friends since them.
unbelievable but true

and its like a new beginning....
if u know the "feelings" before & after this it's like thousand & one !!
uhm and we have 1m snow in the garden & i dont like the winter but if it is so much snow its fun
for me too

and probably in september i'll make a 2 year long social-college for family- street- & childwork etc & i can work as a mobile nurse for example too andandand

....and next weekend i had a lot of work cause i spend now a bit time in the house of my grandma & in this house i have my own flat - one sweet little livilng room, a nice kitchen & ein noch niceres bath

Waahhh i'm so fucking happy !!
not at all that mathias & i are able to speack good together now & this was allways what i want if the end is cominge/here....
and for my viennanitas & meinen muchacho:
.......euch klar sein das ihr mich im sommer mal besuchen msst, KLAR?? [hab auch platz!]
meine oma hat nen schei riiiiiieeesen garten zum grillen, feiern und sonst was UND sogar mit ner hohen mauer

and .... i know i know ..... i am an offical pic's Loser !
but i hope after i moved in, my sweet little flat, i have enough time to, ahm.. to do - U or SG

love ya
your crazy

Bis hoffentlich sehr bald mal!