I havent forgotten this place, i swear
So my friend Adam's band, Dropout Year, is having a show at the Brass Monkey, right? Now, anyone who has played at the Brass Monkey, or knows someone who has played at the Brass Monkey, or really, anyone who has been to the Brass Monkey knows it's not the best place to be. It's basically a dive in a shady part of town (yes, i know it's Fells Point...it's becoming a shady part of town). I don't really wanna go. None of us really wanna go. I don't think Adam really wants to go, but the local music scene, she's a fickle beast.
Anywho, because it's Adam, I go. I stand out in the freezing cold for a while waiting for Justin & Candace to show up....fine....i wanted to. They're my bestest friends, and I didn't want to go inside, as Ari & Irena are like baking soda and vinegar: As soon as the two elements come in contact with each other, some shit starts up. And you <i>will</i> be stuck with cleaning it up. Tonight was no different. So, they show up, we talk outside for a while, and start to go inside.
Now every show i've been to at the Brass Monkey (ok, i've only been to one other) has been all-ages. You had to pay a cover charge to get in, but you could still get in without an ID. I figure, "Hey, its a pop-punk band...they'd be lucky if someone over 18 shows up." Seems my assumption was a bit inaccurate. I'm turned away at the door as I don't have ID. Anyone who looks at me knows I'm over 18...not this guy. Whatever, i didn't really want to be here anyway, so I walk away.
Not much happens after that...i walk around with a bum for a while, finding somewhere to break a $20...i go to some pizza place that should be called "Not BOP", cuz thats what it was, spend $5 on food, and give the bum another $5. Yes, I'm sure he didn't need it, but I am gullible, and read too much Neal Gaiman, and believe that if I'm nice enough to the homeless, they'll invite me to live in their magical land under the streets, which, as you might have noticed, hasn't happened yet. I end up in Sound Garden which is the best record store in Maryland (don't tell people at work I said that). I stay there for a while, because Jamioquai's Travelling Without Moving album was on the stereo, and Ernest Saves Christmas was on the TVs. I was happy there. I read alot of interesting seperating cards....you know, the little cards in the shelves that serarate the bands...one I remember was for Him. There are two bands called "him" One is "Him" (as in "Who is that? oh, it's just him.") and the card said "Him. The Guy from Love .44, happy-dub-noodlefest". The other him is HIM (as in "The name of my band is His Infernal Majesty, but we call ourselves Him, cuz no one in their right mind would be caught dead saying 'I listen to His Infernal Majesty'") Their card said "HIM Kinda creepy goth crossdressing guy". That was funny. It's funny because it's true. I also happened to glance at the card for U2...its said, "U2 One! Two! Three! Fourteen! Learn Spanish before you speak it!" That was funny It's funny because it's true (for those that havent noticed, in the beginning of Vertigo, Bono yells "Uno, dos, tres, catorce" which is 1, 2, 3, 14 in Spanish. He had trouble reading the spanish book through the bug-eye glasses, i guess).
I end up staying for an hour, and buying a CD by The's cuz they rule, even though it was horribly expensive. Helpful hint: Don't get into the habit of liking foreign music...it only leads to poverty. I walk back to the monkey, free of bums this time, and can hear Adam wrapping up. I decide to stand and wait for them, cuz most of the people that are inside come outside after a band finishes their set, to talk about how much the band sucked. Instead the guy sees me and gives me an earful about loitering and how he could get fined $1,000 because i'm loitering. None of it was true, but i walked away because i didn't want to listen to him bitch at me, which was his intention in the first place, i'm sure, cuz he's really good at it. All i really did was walk around the block, discover a dead rat/cat in the alley, and a club which was playing "Hot Stuff".
Now my intention was just to circle the block until people came out, but luckily Ari came out and grabbed me upon my first orbit. More friends followed, and we finally ended up leaving. more stuff happened after that, both fun and not-so-fun, but this is long enough as it is, so i'll leave it now. If you're still reading this, i owe you a Christmas cookie....remind me later.
P.S. - I apologize for all spelling mistakes, but i'm eating "Cup Noodles" while i write this, and its hard to write with chopsticks tangled in your fingers.

So my friend Adam's band, Dropout Year, is having a show at the Brass Monkey, right? Now, anyone who has played at the Brass Monkey, or knows someone who has played at the Brass Monkey, or really, anyone who has been to the Brass Monkey knows it's not the best place to be. It's basically a dive in a shady part of town (yes, i know it's Fells Point...it's becoming a shady part of town). I don't really wanna go. None of us really wanna go. I don't think Adam really wants to go, but the local music scene, she's a fickle beast.
Anywho, because it's Adam, I go. I stand out in the freezing cold for a while waiting for Justin & Candace to show up....fine....i wanted to. They're my bestest friends, and I didn't want to go inside, as Ari & Irena are like baking soda and vinegar: As soon as the two elements come in contact with each other, some shit starts up. And you <i>will</i> be stuck with cleaning it up. Tonight was no different. So, they show up, we talk outside for a while, and start to go inside.
Now every show i've been to at the Brass Monkey (ok, i've only been to one other) has been all-ages. You had to pay a cover charge to get in, but you could still get in without an ID. I figure, "Hey, its a pop-punk band...they'd be lucky if someone over 18 shows up." Seems my assumption was a bit inaccurate. I'm turned away at the door as I don't have ID. Anyone who looks at me knows I'm over 18...not this guy. Whatever, i didn't really want to be here anyway, so I walk away.
Not much happens after that...i walk around with a bum for a while, finding somewhere to break a $20...i go to some pizza place that should be called "Not BOP", cuz thats what it was, spend $5 on food, and give the bum another $5. Yes, I'm sure he didn't need it, but I am gullible, and read too much Neal Gaiman, and believe that if I'm nice enough to the homeless, they'll invite me to live in their magical land under the streets, which, as you might have noticed, hasn't happened yet. I end up in Sound Garden which is the best record store in Maryland (don't tell people at work I said that). I stay there for a while, because Jamioquai's Travelling Without Moving album was on the stereo, and Ernest Saves Christmas was on the TVs. I was happy there. I read alot of interesting seperating cards....you know, the little cards in the shelves that serarate the bands...one I remember was for Him. There are two bands called "him" One is "Him" (as in "Who is that? oh, it's just him.") and the card said "Him. The Guy from Love .44, happy-dub-noodlefest". The other him is HIM (as in "The name of my band is His Infernal Majesty, but we call ourselves Him, cuz no one in their right mind would be caught dead saying 'I listen to His Infernal Majesty'") Their card said "HIM Kinda creepy goth crossdressing guy". That was funny. It's funny because it's true. I also happened to glance at the card for U2...its said, "U2 One! Two! Three! Fourteen! Learn Spanish before you speak it!" That was funny It's funny because it's true (for those that havent noticed, in the beginning of Vertigo, Bono yells "Uno, dos, tres, catorce" which is 1, 2, 3, 14 in Spanish. He had trouble reading the spanish book through the bug-eye glasses, i guess).
I end up staying for an hour, and buying a CD by The's cuz they rule, even though it was horribly expensive. Helpful hint: Don't get into the habit of liking foreign music...it only leads to poverty. I walk back to the monkey, free of bums this time, and can hear Adam wrapping up. I decide to stand and wait for them, cuz most of the people that are inside come outside after a band finishes their set, to talk about how much the band sucked. Instead the guy sees me and gives me an earful about loitering and how he could get fined $1,000 because i'm loitering. None of it was true, but i walked away because i didn't want to listen to him bitch at me, which was his intention in the first place, i'm sure, cuz he's really good at it. All i really did was walk around the block, discover a dead rat/cat in the alley, and a club which was playing "Hot Stuff".
Now my intention was just to circle the block until people came out, but luckily Ari came out and grabbed me upon my first orbit. More friends followed, and we finally ended up leaving. more stuff happened after that, both fun and not-so-fun, but this is long enough as it is, so i'll leave it now. If you're still reading this, i owe you a Christmas cookie....remind me later.
P.S. - I apologize for all spelling mistakes, but i'm eating "Cup Noodles" while i write this, and its hard to write with chopsticks tangled in your fingers.

Yo. I hate your profile pic.
