So, I was watching this episode of The Outer Limits, called "Invisible Enemy". It was super cheesy, as expected, with Adam West starring, and "Atomic Bazookas" to add to all the cheesiness. Its was about a team sent to explore Mars. All the usual scary stuff happens, and they figure out ther there are "Sand sharks" living in the ground of Mars. They swim around in the sand/dirt, and eat anything that it feels on the surface. The cant move through rock though, you're safe on rock. Soon, i recognise the premise, some one the scenes, and situations. Tremors! The people that made Tremors, toootally ripped off this episode of The Outer Limits! Silly people
This is officially the worst month of my least that I can remember. First of leg infections (yeah...gonna tell that story...i swear....) Then, last...Tuesday? I was driving home from Best Buy, with my shiny awesome new CD case, when some kid rear-ended me. I was stopped, waiting for someone to pull into a parking lot...he says he was changing lanes and didn't see me. The damage isnt much...bumper is bent 90 degrees downward, and the back left fender is all cracked up. it still works, and all. The best part is, theres no way it could be turned around into my fault. and companies are noooo fun.
See, you'd think tha'd be enough, wouldn't ya?
The next day, i'm working in DC, taking down a stage in front of the capital building. i put down my black jacket, and my purple bag with some of our (the company's) stuff, thinking, "oh, it'll be ok here, its with more of our stuff!"
of course, its not there when i look back. $15 metro card, check card, keys, license, cell phone, $400 mp3 player, good headphones, and 2 of my favest accessories in the whole wide world gone.
I had to hitch a ride back to baltimore with a friend, then get mommy to drive me back to DC with my spare car key. Then we had to change the locks on the doors.
so not fun.
Oh, yeah...and I have a fear of phones...IIrarely evr even call my girlfriend. Making 4,000 calls to strangers wasn't the best way i could think of spending the rest of my July...
Fortunately, said "girlfriend" will hopefully be here by the time I update this thing next! She's in Pittsburg now,. sh'es gonna hop a plane here on sunday. Soooo can't wait!
I just bid on a melodica on eBay. I was all "ooh, musical instrument! Must buy!" I need to stop with that.....someone needs to out-bid me.
The music of the day is: The new Polyphonic Spree album, Together We Are Heavy
Spacemonkeys vs Gorillaz - Clint Eastwood (A Fistful of Peanuts).mp3 --an awesomely chill dub mix of C.E., with lots of bass and melodica
The quote this time, is just a joke I heard.
So, a popular bar installs a robot....
....stay with me here....
a professor from the nearby college goes up to the robot, and it speaks to him
"What is your IQ?"
"150", the professor replies. The robot strikes up a conversation about quantum physics, and string theory. "This is so cool," He thinks to himself, and decides to test the robot. He walks to the door, turns around, and walks back to the robot.
"What is your IQ?"
"100", the professor replies. The robot strikes up conversations about the local sports team. "Wow, this is really cool!" The professor walks to the door, turns around, and walks back to the robot.
"What is your IQ?"
"50", the professor replies, The robot responds.
"So, you gonna vote for Bush again?"

This is officially the worst month of my least that I can remember. First of leg infections (yeah...gonna tell that story...i swear....) Then, last...Tuesday? I was driving home from Best Buy, with my shiny awesome new CD case, when some kid rear-ended me. I was stopped, waiting for someone to pull into a parking lot...he says he was changing lanes and didn't see me. The damage isnt much...bumper is bent 90 degrees downward, and the back left fender is all cracked up. it still works, and all. The best part is, theres no way it could be turned around into my fault. and companies are noooo fun.
See, you'd think tha'd be enough, wouldn't ya?
The next day, i'm working in DC, taking down a stage in front of the capital building. i put down my black jacket, and my purple bag with some of our (the company's) stuff, thinking, "oh, it'll be ok here, its with more of our stuff!"
of course, its not there when i look back. $15 metro card, check card, keys, license, cell phone, $400 mp3 player, good headphones, and 2 of my favest accessories in the whole wide world gone.
I had to hitch a ride back to baltimore with a friend, then get mommy to drive me back to DC with my spare car key. Then we had to change the locks on the doors.

Oh, yeah...and I have a fear of phones...IIrarely evr even call my girlfriend. Making 4,000 calls to strangers wasn't the best way i could think of spending the rest of my July...
Fortunately, said "girlfriend" will hopefully be here by the time I update this thing next! She's in Pittsburg now,. sh'es gonna hop a plane here on sunday. Soooo can't wait!

I just bid on a melodica on eBay. I was all "ooh, musical instrument! Must buy!" I need to stop with that.....someone needs to out-bid me.
The music of the day is: The new Polyphonic Spree album, Together We Are Heavy
Spacemonkeys vs Gorillaz - Clint Eastwood (A Fistful of Peanuts).mp3 --an awesomely chill dub mix of C.E., with lots of bass and melodica
The quote this time, is just a joke I heard.
So, a popular bar installs a robot....
....stay with me here....
a professor from the nearby college goes up to the robot, and it speaks to him
"What is your IQ?"
"150", the professor replies. The robot strikes up a conversation about quantum physics, and string theory. "This is so cool," He thinks to himself, and decides to test the robot. He walks to the door, turns around, and walks back to the robot.
"What is your IQ?"
"100", the professor replies. The robot strikes up conversations about the local sports team. "Wow, this is really cool!" The professor walks to the door, turns around, and walks back to the robot.
"What is your IQ?"
"50", the professor replies, The robot responds.
"So, you gonna vote for Bush again?"

You have a nice profile pic tooo.... I love the killer clowns.
Nice joke to..Gotta remember that one