Well, that certainly cheered me up
Tonight was certainly a contrast from last night.
Starting with 5:30, when I picked up Katie.
We rushed to the little fireworks tent in hopes that it was still open...it was. I still had me haul from a few months ago, but I felt that it wasn't enough.
$40.40 later, we were off to my Aunt Carol's house for the evening's festivities.
The whole time, Katie was telling about *name withheld at subject's paranoid request* and how she's so totally smitten with him. And i really cant blame her at all, from the description, i'd totally want him too.
So, we get there. Sit around talking with Uncle Steve, then Aunt Carol comes home as the crabs are served.
I dont like crabs...at all...so i totally didnt eat any.
I adore my Aunt Carol and Uncle Steve. They're a total trip. I haven't met one person who doesn't like them. They are the funniest people on the planet. They got married....jeez, i couldn't have been far past 12 years old then. Aunt carol is dad's sister, and uncle steve has been my dad's best friend for a looooong time..I've called him uncle Steven since i could call him anything. He was also a bacholer into his 40s...he just never found the right person. The wedding...the only one i've been to yet, was great. Stevie pulled the ring from a box of cracker jacks.
Anyway! The evening continues on with my father deciding to set off a "test rocket"....
10 "test rockets" later, the burgers were up, which i inhaled, and continued on with the night. A bit more talking and "test rockets" quickly turned into the night's main event. Bottle rockets continued, and the neighbors of the neighbor of my aunt started setting off his own fireworks! His were waaaaaaay better than ours. He had a ton or mortars. I bought one, just to test them that year. Plus, they're expensive!. The guy easily had $1,000 of fireworks over there.
Soon we were coordinated with his fireworks and ours alternating.
Then...far away, across the fields (This is out in farmer-type area, btw. all flat open fields.), someone else join in with their own!
So, 3 personal fireworks shows within a 1/4 mile radius, all of which were visible/audible at all points in between. , and none of which were at all wimpy/legal
Meanwhile, my father and uncle steve and getting increasingly drunk/hilarious.
At one point, my mom and katie had gone off to smoke pot, which really made katie very happy (in more ways than the obvious). She told me in the car later, though she wasnt supposed to. mom was afraid that I'd be mad. not at all, it made Katie happy, and thats cool.
My leg didnt really hurt the entire night, which ruled. We had to stop and change my bandage at one point though, the one i had was all soaked through.
On the way home, Katie had told me all about how much of a great time she had, and that was really cool.
Then Alicia and her brother, and i, a billion miles away, set off out friendship pagodas together. That was neat.
Now, she is watching Pirates of the Caribbean for the first time.
So, yeah....hooray for the 4th of July, and hooray for lengthy, choppy anecdotes that don't really mean a whole lot to you, cuz you weren't there.
Perhaps the next time, finally the details of my leg, and the tale of the dog that can't swim. Stick around for that one, its great.
"I have come to believe that the whole world is an enigma, a harmless enigma that is made terrible by our own mad attempt to interpret it as though it had an underlying truth." -Umberto Eco

Tonight was certainly a contrast from last night.
Starting with 5:30, when I picked up Katie.
We rushed to the little fireworks tent in hopes that it was still open...it was. I still had me haul from a few months ago, but I felt that it wasn't enough.
$40.40 later, we were off to my Aunt Carol's house for the evening's festivities.
The whole time, Katie was telling about *name withheld at subject's paranoid request* and how she's so totally smitten with him. And i really cant blame her at all, from the description, i'd totally want him too.
So, we get there. Sit around talking with Uncle Steve, then Aunt Carol comes home as the crabs are served.
I dont like crabs...at all...so i totally didnt eat any.
I adore my Aunt Carol and Uncle Steve. They're a total trip. I haven't met one person who doesn't like them. They are the funniest people on the planet. They got married....jeez, i couldn't have been far past 12 years old then. Aunt carol is dad's sister, and uncle steve has been my dad's best friend for a looooong time..I've called him uncle Steven since i could call him anything. He was also a bacholer into his 40s...he just never found the right person. The wedding...the only one i've been to yet, was great. Stevie pulled the ring from a box of cracker jacks.

Anyway! The evening continues on with my father deciding to set off a "test rocket"....
10 "test rockets" later, the burgers were up, which i inhaled, and continued on with the night. A bit more talking and "test rockets" quickly turned into the night's main event. Bottle rockets continued, and the neighbors of the neighbor of my aunt started setting off his own fireworks! His were waaaaaaay better than ours. He had a ton or mortars. I bought one, just to test them that year. Plus, they're expensive!. The guy easily had $1,000 of fireworks over there.
Soon we were coordinated with his fireworks and ours alternating.
Then...far away, across the fields (This is out in farmer-type area, btw. all flat open fields.), someone else join in with their own!
So, 3 personal fireworks shows within a 1/4 mile radius, all of which were visible/audible at all points in between. , and none of which were at all wimpy/legal
Meanwhile, my father and uncle steve and getting increasingly drunk/hilarious.
At one point, my mom and katie had gone off to smoke pot, which really made katie very happy (in more ways than the obvious). She told me in the car later, though she wasnt supposed to. mom was afraid that I'd be mad. not at all, it made Katie happy, and thats cool.
My leg didnt really hurt the entire night, which ruled. We had to stop and change my bandage at one point though, the one i had was all soaked through.
On the way home, Katie had told me all about how much of a great time she had, and that was really cool.
Then Alicia and her brother, and i, a billion miles away, set off out friendship pagodas together. That was neat.
Now, she is watching Pirates of the Caribbean for the first time.
So, yeah....hooray for the 4th of July, and hooray for lengthy, choppy anecdotes that don't really mean a whole lot to you, cuz you weren't there.
Perhaps the next time, finally the details of my leg, and the tale of the dog that can't swim. Stick around for that one, its great.
"I have come to believe that the whole world is an enigma, a harmless enigma that is made terrible by our own mad attempt to interpret it as though it had an underlying truth." -Umberto Eco
Hope the leg feels better.