So...changes in the big plan. I am moving. That won't change. The issue is where and when.
Now. it seems, i'm not moving to Ann Arbor just yet (
) but a half hour away, to Towson. and I'm moving in with one of my best friends, Justin.
He was easily my best friend, long ago... but our group ended up splitting, and we went in separate directions, though never out of contact. Out of all my friends, he is probably the one that I've never had a fight with, never been annoyed with to the point of not wanting to see him. He's been there many times for me, and we've spent hours at night, sitting outside and talking. and he's hott. If he were attracted to me, I'd marry him. Alas, he isnt interested in me, or any males at all. So, i've decided the next best thing is to move in with him. So, thats the latest on that.
The other day, I went with justin and his band, to the recording studio to watch them record some of their album, and play producer...having been awake for 24 hours, i was also the world's sleepiest producer. I also hardly said a word over the entire 7 hours, as is my nature amoungs new people.
Justin had expressed a desire to have me do something sound-related for their band. He also gave me a copy of the 2 songs they had finished, polished, and ready for cd, and asked if I could make them better, as he wasn't happy with them. I didnt have the tracks, jsut the songs on a cd, but I gave it a shot.
This was all the night before the studio time. After a half hour of work on one song, and about 15 minutes of the other, he listened to the tracks, and declared them "10 times better than they were". This is when he told me i was coming to the studio with them...mostly to look over Ryan The Engineer's shoulder and keep him from screwing them up anymore than they had.
Ryan The Engineer is certainly not the best in the any stretch....he's downright bad...but he is cheap...$25/hour...which is cheaper than I could possibly be, unfortunately. He has a nice little set-up in part of an old warehouse, way in the ghetto. So, i think it's going to be a process of Ryan records and mixes the songs, and i secretly "finish" them as best I can. At least until they're convinced I'm worth the extra $10 an hour. I don't mind. might have to start charging them soon though. So, if you're ever in a band, in the Baltimore metro area, and you need to record an album...I'm not saying DON'T go to Hourglass Studios...but if you do...I'll give ya my info...
Today, i was unexpectedly wisked away, by my friend Karly, and taken to see Fahrenheit 9/11. It was pretty good, a bit slow in parts. I know a bunch of people fell asleep in the theatre. The usual Michael Moore deal. once you learn to treat it like a long episode of the Daily Show, and separate the facts from the opinions and speculations, its fun to watch.
I felt a bit dirty, leaving a Michael Moore film, and walking into the Wal-Mart next door. Karly wanted sticker paper, which they didnt have. I bought The Great Escape special edition DVD, and we left.
Which reminds me...i want to do a hip-hop/jazz version of the theme from The Great Escape. i have the beat and all in my head, just not the band to do it. I miss having a band to jam with. I suck at guitar now, and i havent had a working electric guitar in years for this very reason. Maybe someday,
Anyway, I took Karly home, and went to Pier 1, but now they apparently close at 9, which happened to be exacty when got there.
Katie just called. She wants me to hang out tonight. I'm tired, and she's with dave...or dale...or dane....whatever his name is. I'm supposed to know this guy from high school...i barely remember the people I hung out with in high school, let alone this yay-hoo. He's also supposed to be the hottest guy in teh whole wide werld, according to many. I'd love to see his picture, but I'd rather not hang out with people are scary...especially while he's with Katie. I know they're gonna start dating...and she's gonna tell everyone "we're dating, but we're not bf and gf". She did the same with the last dale/dave/dane/whatever...and he turned out to be a bit psycho. I just don't feel like playing the third wheel tonight, Katie's gonna hate me for this later too
I love you, Katie...really....just not tonight. I totally take my friends for granted, they should hate me.
Anywho, I'm sure you all love to hear me ramble on about my boring life, and bitch about my friends, whom i just bitched about not having last entry...but I'm gonna watch The Arrival on TiVo and go to that movie.
"If we could convert sheer desperation into a fuel source, I swear to you, every car would have a wireless ethernet card." Davan of Something Positive, on chat room romance.
Now. it seems, i'm not moving to Ann Arbor just yet (

He was easily my best friend, long ago... but our group ended up splitting, and we went in separate directions, though never out of contact. Out of all my friends, he is probably the one that I've never had a fight with, never been annoyed with to the point of not wanting to see him. He's been there many times for me, and we've spent hours at night, sitting outside and talking. and he's hott. If he were attracted to me, I'd marry him. Alas, he isnt interested in me, or any males at all. So, i've decided the next best thing is to move in with him. So, thats the latest on that.
The other day, I went with justin and his band, to the recording studio to watch them record some of their album, and play producer...having been awake for 24 hours, i was also the world's sleepiest producer. I also hardly said a word over the entire 7 hours, as is my nature amoungs new people.
Justin had expressed a desire to have me do something sound-related for their band. He also gave me a copy of the 2 songs they had finished, polished, and ready for cd, and asked if I could make them better, as he wasn't happy with them. I didnt have the tracks, jsut the songs on a cd, but I gave it a shot.
This was all the night before the studio time. After a half hour of work on one song, and about 15 minutes of the other, he listened to the tracks, and declared them "10 times better than they were". This is when he told me i was coming to the studio with them...mostly to look over Ryan The Engineer's shoulder and keep him from screwing them up anymore than they had.
Ryan The Engineer is certainly not the best in the any stretch....he's downright bad...but he is cheap...$25/hour...which is cheaper than I could possibly be, unfortunately. He has a nice little set-up in part of an old warehouse, way in the ghetto. So, i think it's going to be a process of Ryan records and mixes the songs, and i secretly "finish" them as best I can. At least until they're convinced I'm worth the extra $10 an hour. I don't mind. might have to start charging them soon though. So, if you're ever in a band, in the Baltimore metro area, and you need to record an album...I'm not saying DON'T go to Hourglass Studios...but if you do...I'll give ya my info...
Today, i was unexpectedly wisked away, by my friend Karly, and taken to see Fahrenheit 9/11. It was pretty good, a bit slow in parts. I know a bunch of people fell asleep in the theatre. The usual Michael Moore deal. once you learn to treat it like a long episode of the Daily Show, and separate the facts from the opinions and speculations, its fun to watch.
I felt a bit dirty, leaving a Michael Moore film, and walking into the Wal-Mart next door. Karly wanted sticker paper, which they didnt have. I bought The Great Escape special edition DVD, and we left.
Which reminds me...i want to do a hip-hop/jazz version of the theme from The Great Escape. i have the beat and all in my head, just not the band to do it. I miss having a band to jam with. I suck at guitar now, and i havent had a working electric guitar in years for this very reason. Maybe someday,
Anyway, I took Karly home, and went to Pier 1, but now they apparently close at 9, which happened to be exacty when got there.
Katie just called. She wants me to hang out tonight. I'm tired, and she's with dave...or dale...or dane....whatever his name is. I'm supposed to know this guy from high school...i barely remember the people I hung out with in high school, let alone this yay-hoo. He's also supposed to be the hottest guy in teh whole wide werld, according to many. I'd love to see his picture, but I'd rather not hang out with people are scary...especially while he's with Katie. I know they're gonna start dating...and she's gonna tell everyone "we're dating, but we're not bf and gf". She did the same with the last dale/dave/dane/whatever...and he turned out to be a bit psycho. I just don't feel like playing the third wheel tonight, Katie's gonna hate me for this later too

Anywho, I'm sure you all love to hear me ramble on about my boring life, and bitch about my friends, whom i just bitched about not having last entry...but I'm gonna watch The Arrival on TiVo and go to that movie.
"If we could convert sheer desperation into a fuel source, I swear to you, every car would have a wireless ethernet card." Davan of Something Positive, on chat room romance.
Thanks for the website pic and the pretty picture. The website is pretty cool.