Update?! WTF is that?!
So, it's about 2am, I'm sitting here eating toasted PB&J sammiches, and running through my iRiver, trimming out the songs I don't really want there (Mostly bad live recordings, and the stranger Orbital and Beastie Boys songs, amoung other things). I thought I might actually update this thing for a change.
Went to a Buckethead concert sunday. It was...amazing...as anyone familiar with the magic of Mr Head might expect. I pasted up a few of my blurry phone cam pics, for the interested. There were also tapers there...You can download the recordings in MP3 form here. Or in .flac, if you care to hunt around long enough to find it,
He opened for a band I'd never even heard of, called Particle. They were a dancey funky jam band. Sort of Les Claypool's Frog Brigade, with out all the amazing talent. They put on a pretty good show. The keyboard player had obviously come in intimate contact with some type of mind-altering substance just before the show.
Speaking of mind-altering, my girlfriend had a reccouring theme in her dreams. She gets a cute cuddly pet (i.e. hamster, gerbil, ect.), and it keeps running away. Finally she gives up trying to catch it, and lets it run away forever. If anyone is into dreams and stuff, maybe you can give us an idea of what if means? She's pretty sure it has to do with the fact that she had gerbils that clawed each other to death when she was little. She blames herself completely for it, telling me that "They would never forgive me for it."
I swear that girl has clinical depression so bad. She refuses to see anyone about it. She says that "it'd be a waste of time" and that she'd "rather just die". I know shes in no real danger of hurting herself, but it still worrys me tons. It really puts the vice grips on our long distance relationship. Then she goes to sleep, and she's all happy when she wakes up again. i dunno..any suggestions anyone?
Speaking of my girlfriend, she has a new LiveJournal...here it is for any bored journal stalkers out there.
OK, i was gonna write about the new CDs and the new job I got, but the series finale of Roseanne is coming on, and I need to watch it. So, that'll wait for another day.
BTW, everyone go join with the party goin' on in my Funkateers Group.
"Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dream with open eyes, to make it possible." -T. E. Lawrence
So, it's about 2am, I'm sitting here eating toasted PB&J sammiches, and running through my iRiver, trimming out the songs I don't really want there (Mostly bad live recordings, and the stranger Orbital and Beastie Boys songs, amoung other things). I thought I might actually update this thing for a change.
Went to a Buckethead concert sunday. It was...amazing...as anyone familiar with the magic of Mr Head might expect. I pasted up a few of my blurry phone cam pics, for the interested. There were also tapers there...You can download the recordings in MP3 form here. Or in .flac, if you care to hunt around long enough to find it,
He opened for a band I'd never even heard of, called Particle. They were a dancey funky jam band. Sort of Les Claypool's Frog Brigade, with out all the amazing talent. They put on a pretty good show. The keyboard player had obviously come in intimate contact with some type of mind-altering substance just before the show.
Speaking of mind-altering, my girlfriend had a reccouring theme in her dreams. She gets a cute cuddly pet (i.e. hamster, gerbil, ect.), and it keeps running away. Finally she gives up trying to catch it, and lets it run away forever. If anyone is into dreams and stuff, maybe you can give us an idea of what if means? She's pretty sure it has to do with the fact that she had gerbils that clawed each other to death when she was little. She blames herself completely for it, telling me that "They would never forgive me for it."
I swear that girl has clinical depression so bad. She refuses to see anyone about it. She says that "it'd be a waste of time" and that she'd "rather just die". I know shes in no real danger of hurting herself, but it still worrys me tons. It really puts the vice grips on our long distance relationship. Then she goes to sleep, and she's all happy when she wakes up again. i dunno..any suggestions anyone?
Speaking of my girlfriend, she has a new LiveJournal...here it is for any bored journal stalkers out there.
OK, i was gonna write about the new CDs and the new job I got, but the series finale of Roseanne is coming on, and I need to watch it. So, that'll wait for another day.
BTW, everyone go join with the party goin' on in my Funkateers Group.

"Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dream with open eyes, to make it possible." -T. E. Lawrence
blade runner though, man. bad ass.