Let's see if I can stay this time around.
See, last time I was here, it was right before I started to move to my boyfriend's house. A house where the internet does not flow free like the mighty Mississip', and I therefore had to work up to having internet
Of course, during the in-between days, I ended up getting The Sims 2...I've actually had...
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See, last time I was here, it was right before I started to move to my boyfriend's house. A house where the internet does not flow free like the mighty Mississip', and I therefore had to work up to having internet
Of course, during the in-between days, I ended up getting The Sims 2...I've actually had...
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So in other words...you have dail up?
sims 2 is insanely addictive...i have it and quite a few of the add ons and additional sims 2 games
Who-the-what-now? SuicideGirls? What....wait, isn't that the thing about the naked chicks and stuff? Yeaaaah, i remember that shit.
Hi, SG. I missed you.
Hi, SG. I missed you.

Hey, I really liked the little mix you put up in the "chill out" thread. Thanks for the heads up 

Awww I don't wantto take you off my friends list, honey but you're never here! Why do you even pay for SG??! 

I havent forgotten this place, i swear
So my friend Adam's band, Dropout Year, is having a show at the Brass Monkey, right? Now, anyone who has played at the Brass Monkey, or knows someone who has played at the Brass Monkey, or really, anyone who has been to the Brass Monkey knows it's not the best place to be. It's basically a dive in...
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So my friend Adam's band, Dropout Year, is having a show at the Brass Monkey, right? Now, anyone who has played at the Brass Monkey, or knows someone who has played at the Brass Monkey, or really, anyone who has been to the Brass Monkey knows it's not the best place to be. It's basically a dive in...
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Yo. I hate your profile pic.

I'm single
I hate being single
Alas, the snugglebunny and I are no longer "The Snugglebunny and I". It was a long time coming really. I could go on and on about why it happened, the good things, and the bad things, and all the things in between. Suffice it all to say: It was the distance. We still love each other, and no one...
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I hate being single
Alas, the snugglebunny and I are no longer "The Snugglebunny and I". It was a long time coming really. I could go on and on about why it happened, the good things, and the bad things, and all the things in between. Suffice it all to say: It was the distance. We still love each other, and no one...
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So uh.... You owe me a cookie.

Care? Me? Never! I was uh... Hijacked by... Pirates... That made me read your journal. Yeah.

Update? WTF is this "update"?
Sorry, y'all, I've been busy.....which is a lie. Anyway...
So, check this out, right? my parents have a tendency to open my mail. 2600 magazine, a hacker(ish) magazine i get comes in a brown envelope, which my father promptly opened right in front of me. They have a few excuses, but still...thats way not cool. I figured, one day i...
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Sorry, y'all, I've been busy.....which is a lie. Anyway...
So, check this out, right? my parents have a tendency to open my mail. 2600 magazine, a hacker(ish) magazine i get comes in a brown envelope, which my father promptly opened right in front of me. They have a few excuses, but still...thats way not cool. I figured, one day i...
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I need to get Dark Cloud 2. That looks like so much fun.
Thank you!!!!!
By the way, I still hate your profile pic.
By the way, I still hate your profile pic.
if i don't update by the time my snugglebunny gets back from Hurricaneville, Florida, i'll be in trouble.
Helpful tip from Velve:
When calling customer service/support, or whatever, for a large company, and you're stuck in the "press ___ for ____...press ___ for ____" machines, and all you want is a human, heres what you do...Hang up. Then call back, and try not pressing any...
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Helpful tip from Velve:
When calling customer service/support, or whatever, for a large company, and you're stuck in the "press ___ for ____...press ___ for ____" machines, and all you want is a human, heres what you do...Hang up. Then call back, and try not pressing any...
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Aw man, I hear you on Otakon. I'm so pissed I wasn't able to go...
Of course, I've been an anime geek for years now, so yeah.
Make sure to check out Naruto (both the manga and the anime). It's the best thing currently being published. You can get the anime from here.
Of course, I've been an anime geek for years now, so yeah.

Make sure to check out Naruto (both the manga and the anime). It's the best thing currently being published. You can get the anime from here.
Welcome to the BT Group!

So, I was watching this episode of The Outer Limits, called "Invisible Enemy". It was super cheesy, as expected, with Adam West starring, and "Atomic Bazookas" to add to all the cheesiness. Its was about a team sent to explore Mars. All the usual scary stuff happens, and they figure out ther there are "Sand sharks" living in the ground of Mars. They swim around...
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That's just how I roll..
You have a nice profile pic tooo.... I love the killer clowns.
Nice joke to..Gotta remember that one
You have a nice profile pic tooo.... I love the killer clowns.
Nice joke to..Gotta remember that one
KKFOS rules!!!!!! Part 2 is coming and I can't wait!! 

"I was sad, but Joe made me smile. He's sweet that way. I wanted to say something nice about him since I always make him listen to me complain about everything. I know it drives him crazy. He's really unselfish. I hope you can visit some time before next spring." -Alicia's journal
See, now that makes it all worth it
I'm sure at least most...
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See, now that makes it all worth it

I'm sure at least most...
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yoooouuu have killer clowns from outer space. i guess that makes you a god, then.
ah... on the "tom waitish" front, check out Kevin Quain. he's got his thing all together. www.kevinquain.com will set you up.
ah... on the "tom waitish" front, check out Kevin Quain. he's got his thing all together. www.kevinquain.com will set you up.
Well, that certainly cheered me up
Tonight was certainly a contrast from last night.
Starting with 5:30, when I picked up Katie.
We rushed to the little fireworks tent in hopes that it was still open...it was. I still had me haul from a few months ago, but I felt that it wasn't enough.
$40.40 later, we were off to my Aunt Carol's house for...
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Tonight was certainly a contrast from last night.
Starting with 5:30, when I picked up Katie.
We rushed to the little fireworks tent in hopes that it was still open...it was. I still had me haul from a few months ago, but I felt that it wasn't enough.
$40.40 later, we were off to my Aunt Carol's house for...
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Yeah, I can see not wanting to eat what's basically a giant bug.

All in all sounds like you had a good 4th. That's cool.
Hope the leg feels better.
Hope the leg feels better.
so, yeah, i was in the hospital, and damn my leg hurts, all oozing pus and blood. Wish i was still in the hospital at this point.
i'll tell about that later, that's not what concerns me right now. I'd rather whine about my personal life, and be the blogger i always hoped i'd never be. Hopefully I'll still skip the "meaningful" hard rock song...
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i'll tell about that later, that's not what concerns me right now. I'd rather whine about my personal life, and be the blogger i always hoped i'd never be. Hopefully I'll still skip the "meaningful" hard rock song...
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Mood swings are the scariest thing on the planet...

You can't help people who don't want help.
My only advice is, do what you feel is right and don't look back.
My only advice is, do what you feel is right and don't look back.