Ello my loves...
The end of the semester is finally creeping nearer, thank God. I have to start considering what I will be taking in the spring now...
So the strip club I went to in Louisville (Trixies), was better by far than the one in Ohio (and less expensive). Had an all-around good time.
So...I've been tagged (Gee thanks
). I doubt that there is really twenty interesting things about me, but here goes...
1) I was a breach baby and almost died before birth b/c my momma's short and I had no room to grow so was being smushed!
2) I'm allergic to eggs (which is ok, they don't smell like something i'd want to eat anyway)
3) I can dislocate 4 body parts (both hips, one finger, and my jaw)...sometimes this can be more painful than intruiging
4) I once had a pet turtle named fluffy
5) my sister killed him
6) I have a condition that causes me to get (painful) fibriod tumors in my boobies
7) I had to get a tumor removed earlier this year
8) I named my tumor Marla
9) I'm bisexual, more or less open about it, but my family either doesn't know or are trying to ignore it.
10) I had never carved a pumpkin until this year
11) I was a cheerleader for 5 years (yes i know, i even find it hard to believe)
12) I've been diagnosed with OCD, but i'm the most disorganized person ever and my room is always messy (i have a very particular kind of OCD)
13) I'm the only one in my family who doesn't have brown hair or brown eyes. I also have the fewest freckles.
14) I'm an english major but tutor chemistry
15) I never stayed in one school for an entire year until I was almost in middle-school and then I moved some more
16) I lived below poverty level a lot before college (i make more to go here than me,my mom, and my sister lived off of combined)
17) my peanut butter is government issued
18) I believe in ghosts
19) I am under 5ft tall
20) I bite
My turn to tag someone...who do I think might read this...TheMadCapLaughs and for good measure let's see if Pauline will do it
But feel free to tell me something you think is interesting abt yourself!
The end of the semester is finally creeping nearer, thank God. I have to start considering what I will be taking in the spring now...
So the strip club I went to in Louisville (Trixies), was better by far than the one in Ohio (and less expensive). Had an all-around good time.
So...I've been tagged (Gee thanks

1) I was a breach baby and almost died before birth b/c my momma's short and I had no room to grow so was being smushed!
2) I'm allergic to eggs (which is ok, they don't smell like something i'd want to eat anyway)
3) I can dislocate 4 body parts (both hips, one finger, and my jaw)...sometimes this can be more painful than intruiging
4) I once had a pet turtle named fluffy
5) my sister killed him
6) I have a condition that causes me to get (painful) fibriod tumors in my boobies
7) I had to get a tumor removed earlier this year
8) I named my tumor Marla
9) I'm bisexual, more or less open about it, but my family either doesn't know or are trying to ignore it.
10) I had never carved a pumpkin until this year
11) I was a cheerleader for 5 years (yes i know, i even find it hard to believe)
12) I've been diagnosed with OCD, but i'm the most disorganized person ever and my room is always messy (i have a very particular kind of OCD)
13) I'm the only one in my family who doesn't have brown hair or brown eyes. I also have the fewest freckles.
14) I'm an english major but tutor chemistry
15) I never stayed in one school for an entire year until I was almost in middle-school and then I moved some more
16) I lived below poverty level a lot before college (i make more to go here than me,my mom, and my sister lived off of combined)
17) my peanut butter is government issued
18) I believe in ghosts
19) I am under 5ft tall
20) I bite
My turn to tag someone...who do I think might read this...TheMadCapLaughs and for good measure let's see if Pauline will do it

But feel free to tell me something you think is interesting abt yourself!
thats a lot of information to know about you
Thank you for the comment on my set