SPOILERS! (Click to view)
It's kind of a wierd thing to hold back on but I always save my best jokes for the person I'm seeing or interested in. It's something which dawned on me today as I chatted with someone I used to care about very deeply. He was checking in because he hadn't heard from me in a while and missed me. He's a good guy but it turned out he was already in a long-term committed relationship.(something I found out a bit late about.) We used to be so close. The closest. Not to say my jokes were any good, but I know that's probably what he misses most of all. The way we used to laugh. I know it's what I miss most. Oh, there was a bit of jovial banter and all thatbut not the same.
That call really tugged at my heartstrings. It made me realize that although I love a good bit of jolliness with friends, I can only give that sort of focused attention to one person, only want to give it to one person. In a way, I'm a humor monogamist.