HooooOOOoooooome siiiiiiick! Thank gods Chad keeps my mind off of it as much as he can or I think I'd go insane. Mom and Dad sent me a care package today, it was really cool. Mom shipped out my fav corderoy jacket along with some other goodies. Dad then stuffed the remaining open spaces of the box with oranges since i've been sick.... he said I needed more Vitamin-C. *chuckles*
Chad got me a cd player for my car... I was totally shocked when I opened it! He is spoiling the shit out of me, and i'm totally not used to this. Hopefully I can come atleast close to spoiling him back someday. I got him a puppy for Christmas, but I'll let him tell you all about that.
I hope everyone has a great holiday!
Chad got me a cd player for my car... I was totally shocked when I opened it! He is spoiling the shit out of me, and i'm totally not used to this. Hopefully I can come atleast close to spoiling him back someday. I got him a puppy for Christmas, but I'll let him tell you all about that.

I hope everyone has a great holiday!
Home misses you too, you and Chad need to get up here, especially after the new Outland opens!
Have a great New Year, lovely. *big hugs* Be safe, ok?