Let me start off by telling you all a little about Chris. Chris has a wife and a 7 year old son back in Ohio, but his wife and he are seperated. They bickered and argued all the time, and it wasn't good for their son... so he left. Part of me wonders if he came out here to be with me because I was his only solid option at the time and he had no where else to go. He says that I'm pessamistic about alot of stuff, maybe this is just that side of me showing through again.
Anyways... Chris's ex called and she is going to India for a month and he agreed to go back to Ohio for that month to stay with his son. I know that he misses his son very much, so this is a great thing for him, and she won't be around to irritate him.
Again with my pessamistic side... we're struggling right now out here, because my roomate wants to move out and get a house with her fiance, and we can't really afford to move out, BUT we can't afford the whole lease on our own too.... so we're trying to be out by the 1st of Oct. I don't see this happeneing because my paychecks are gone before I even get them, and even then we're hardly scrapping by. He's helping alot by working now and working labor ready sometimes for extra cash. He has to leave the first week in Oct for Ohio... I doubt we'll find a place by then, and if we do... i'll be alone in a strange and new place for a month (did I ever mention that I hate being alone?) and the neighborhoods that we're looking at are over at Capital Hill by the Ogdin.... it's not totally shitty, but I don;t want to live there alone. And I can't imagine how I'm going to be able to afford everything. He said that he'll work as much as he can in the next month before he goes to help out and then work in Ohio too... I just hope it works out. I get the feeling that once he leaves, he's never coming back. Again with the pessamistic in me...
Anyways... Chris's ex called and she is going to India for a month and he agreed to go back to Ohio for that month to stay with his son. I know that he misses his son very much, so this is a great thing for him, and she won't be around to irritate him.
Again with my pessamistic side... we're struggling right now out here, because my roomate wants to move out and get a house with her fiance, and we can't really afford to move out, BUT we can't afford the whole lease on our own too.... so we're trying to be out by the 1st of Oct. I don't see this happeneing because my paychecks are gone before I even get them, and even then we're hardly scrapping by. He's helping alot by working now and working labor ready sometimes for extra cash. He has to leave the first week in Oct for Ohio... I doubt we'll find a place by then, and if we do... i'll be alone in a strange and new place for a month (did I ever mention that I hate being alone?) and the neighborhoods that we're looking at are over at Capital Hill by the Ogdin.... it's not totally shitty, but I don;t want to live there alone. And I can't imagine how I'm going to be able to afford everything. He said that he'll work as much as he can in the next month before he goes to help out and then work in Ohio too... I just hope it works out. I get the feeling that once he leaves, he's never coming back. Again with the pessamistic in me...

Hey good to hear you wont be all alone after all.
If you want to do something though pick a day thats good for you and let me know. Just about any day is good for me.

Hope it goes better than you think it might.