A Q&A quiz thingy-ma-jigger
Favorite fruit? Peaches
Last time you brushed your teeth? This morning after my shower
Song of the moment? Staring down the barrel of a 45
Last thing youve eaten? Grilled cheese sandwich and tropical fruit
Last person that made you smile? Chris when I called and woke him up
Last person who made you cry? My dad when he called and told me that my dog died
Typical work week bedtime? 07:30-09:00am
What do you sleep in? Undies and a shirt of some sort
Sleep with a stuffed animal? Yep! The teddy bear Steve got me 3 Christmas ago. Its soft ^_^
Last movie you went out to see? HellBoy (awesome movie)
Last alcoholic drink/ exotic type drink youve had? Yukon and lime at the club
How old when you had your first drink? 15-16ish (took a taste of moms Jim Beam and about barfed)
First smoke if applicable? 17
Still smoke? Only socially or in high stress situations
Lowest moment in your life? After my ex fianc cheated on me and we split up, I started hanging with a bad group of people on campus. Bad things happened and I found myself mixed up with drugs and a lot of shady people. I did, however wake up and look around me and saw what I had gotten myself into. I left and have never looked back.
Highest point in your life? That would be right now I have a plan for my life and thats the best feeling in the World to me. Im moving onto new things and cant wait.
Fart hold it till it hurts, Just let it rip, or leave to a private location and release? LOL well depending on the company really! I normally go to the bathroom if I feel one coming.
Stupidest thing youve ever did? Toilet papered/ mildly vandalized a known drug dealers house and got shot at when I was 15. I only toilet papered, and my friends brother did the vandalizing(without telling us what he was doing until it was too late) but when the brother who did the damage squealed to the cops the sheriff came to talk to us and he chewed me out like I was the main culprit I about went apeshit on the fat fucker. (theres more to the story, but Ill save you the details)
Tea or Coffee? Chai (spiced tea)
Dream job? Forensic Pathology
More realistic career prospect at this point? K-12 art teacher
Last person you thought of other then yourself? Tania because she was joking and mentioned hot flashes and menopause in the same sentencelol.
Roller coasters or spinny rides? Roller coasters!
Scary movies or funny movies? Scary
The last time you danced? Last Saturday Travis was playing some good tunes.
The last time you laughed so hard you couldnt breath? When Larrys Jack Russell Terrier did a somersault off of the couch after a toy and landed in a trash can.
Biggest pet peeve at the moment? Clingy and/or false people
Craving of the moment? Toast (dont ask.. I cant figure it out either >_<
Coolest pet that you have/ will own? Im going to get Chris a Badger someday.. I swear! And my ferret ^_^
Last funeral you attended? My step dads dad
Inhale deeply what do you smell right now? Dust from the furnace that just kicked on here at work, my deodorant and shampoo, pencils.
Turn 90 degrees what do you see there? Brian Keechle at his cubical and the walkway to the fax machines/main hall.
Favorite fruit? Peaches
Last time you brushed your teeth? This morning after my shower
Song of the moment? Staring down the barrel of a 45
Last thing youve eaten? Grilled cheese sandwich and tropical fruit
Last person that made you smile? Chris when I called and woke him up
Last person who made you cry? My dad when he called and told me that my dog died
Typical work week bedtime? 07:30-09:00am
What do you sleep in? Undies and a shirt of some sort
Sleep with a stuffed animal? Yep! The teddy bear Steve got me 3 Christmas ago. Its soft ^_^
Last movie you went out to see? HellBoy (awesome movie)
Last alcoholic drink/ exotic type drink youve had? Yukon and lime at the club
How old when you had your first drink? 15-16ish (took a taste of moms Jim Beam and about barfed)
First smoke if applicable? 17
Still smoke? Only socially or in high stress situations
Lowest moment in your life? After my ex fianc cheated on me and we split up, I started hanging with a bad group of people on campus. Bad things happened and I found myself mixed up with drugs and a lot of shady people. I did, however wake up and look around me and saw what I had gotten myself into. I left and have never looked back.
Highest point in your life? That would be right now I have a plan for my life and thats the best feeling in the World to me. Im moving onto new things and cant wait.
Fart hold it till it hurts, Just let it rip, or leave to a private location and release? LOL well depending on the company really! I normally go to the bathroom if I feel one coming.
Stupidest thing youve ever did? Toilet papered/ mildly vandalized a known drug dealers house and got shot at when I was 15. I only toilet papered, and my friends brother did the vandalizing(without telling us what he was doing until it was too late) but when the brother who did the damage squealed to the cops the sheriff came to talk to us and he chewed me out like I was the main culprit I about went apeshit on the fat fucker. (theres more to the story, but Ill save you the details)
Tea or Coffee? Chai (spiced tea)
Dream job? Forensic Pathology
More realistic career prospect at this point? K-12 art teacher
Last person you thought of other then yourself? Tania because she was joking and mentioned hot flashes and menopause in the same sentencelol.
Roller coasters or spinny rides? Roller coasters!
Scary movies or funny movies? Scary
The last time you danced? Last Saturday Travis was playing some good tunes.
The last time you laughed so hard you couldnt breath? When Larrys Jack Russell Terrier did a somersault off of the couch after a toy and landed in a trash can.
Biggest pet peeve at the moment? Clingy and/or false people
Craving of the moment? Toast (dont ask.. I cant figure it out either >_<
Coolest pet that you have/ will own? Im going to get Chris a Badger someday.. I swear! And my ferret ^_^
Last funeral you attended? My step dads dad
Inhale deeply what do you smell right now? Dust from the furnace that just kicked on here at work, my deodorant and shampoo, pencils.
Turn 90 degrees what do you see there? Brian Keechle at his cubical and the walkway to the fax machines/main hall.
Last time you brushed your teeth? Ten minutes ago (I have a toothache)
Song of the moment? The Noose (APC)
Last thing youve eaten? six months ago, haggis
Last person that made you smile? poisondaisy on thursday
Last person who made you cry? My ex last week
Typical work week bedtime? 03:00am
What do you sleep in? nothing
Sleep with a stuffed animal? nope got two kittens
Last movie you went out to see? Starsky and H?utch
Last alcoholic drink/ exotic type drink youve had? goldschlarger 9 months ago
How old when you had your first drink? 13 beer, gross
First smoke if applicable? 13 never stopped
Still smoke? like a busted car
Lowest moment in your life? december leaving the house never intending to come back.
Highest point in your life? with my ex when we moved in together two years ago
Fart hold it till it hurts, Just let it rip, or leave to a private location and release? let EVERYBODY enjoy it and make public announcements
Stupidest thing youve ever did? ultimate fighting contest, three years ago.
Tea or Coffee? neither, yuck
Dream job? philanthrapist
More realistic career prospect at this point? unemplyed loser
Last person you thought of other then yourself? My ex.
Roller coasters or spinny rides? neither, hate them
Scary movies or funny movies? funny
The last time you danced? never, i look dumb just standing there, you think I'm going to make it worse by dancing?
The last time you laughed so hard you couldnt breath? When Meatwad snogged a really ugly girl in a club couple weeks back.
Biggest pet peeve at the moment? people who make noise's when the eat/drink
Craving of the moment? umm no can't say sorry
Coolest pet that you have/ will own? my dobermann puppy Mister Figgles
Last funeral you attended? My dad two months ago
Inhale deeply what do you smell right now? ciggarettes
Turn 90 degrees what do you see there? my dog looking at me really oddly
Favorite fruit? bananas
Last time you brushed your teeth? before therapy at 3PM
Song of the moment? "The Hollow" by A Perfect Circle
Last thing youve eaten? banana
Last person that made you smile? Celticbootgirl
on IM just now.
Last person who made you cry? my mom......cuz of her Alzheimers
Typical work week bedtime? anywhere from 9PM-5AM
What do you sleep in? Tshirt and sweats or boxers
Sleep with a stuffed animal? yup, the teddy bear my ex-husband got me when we were dating. and a stuff dachshund to remind me of my dear Oscar who died last year.
Last movie you went out to see? The Butterfly Effect
Last alcoholic drink/ exotic type drink youve had?
UV Cherry Vodka and Coke
How old when you had your first drink? 16 with my best friend in her basement
First smoke if applicable? nada
Lowest moment in your life? i think it was the entire year of 2000...my bipolar surfaced terribly and we couldn't get any meds to help my depression. many many times of near suicide attempts.
Highest point in your life? when i found me again
Fart hold it till it hurts, Just let it rip, depends on who i am with.........anyone but a signifigant other and i hold it.
Stupidest thing youve ever did?
honestly can't think of any, either i am boring or i think everything i do is great :p
Tea or Coffee? coffee
Dream job? Light Board Operator for rock concerts
More realistic career prospect at this point? bum
Last person you thought of other then yourself? my boy
Roller coasters or spinny rides? Roller coasters
Scary movies or funny movies? i like both depending on my mood
The last time you danced? Friday night at the Perfect Circle concert.
The last time you laughed so hard you couldnt breathe?
honestly don't remember
Biggest pet peeve at the moment? people
Craving of the moment? Mike
Coolest pet that you have/ will own? my sweet doxie Oscar, who i had for 13 years and died a year ago.
Last funeral you attended? My ex-husband's grandma's
Inhale deeply cat box needs changing
Turn 90 degrees what do you see there? my cat sitting in the window.