Have you ever considered the significance of the number 3?
Allow me to convince you that the number 3 is startilingly prevalent in human life.
Parents announce to errant, misbehaving children they are going to count to 3, not 2, or 4, but 3. In nursery rhymes, there are 3 blind mice, 3 little pigs went to market.
In Shakespear's Macbeth the 3 witches mumble "When shall we three meet again in thunder, lightning or in rain" Notice the 3 weather types..not 4 or 6 or 2, 3!
Superstition is rife with 3s, sayings such as "Third time lucky" and the belief that bad things come in 3s have long been present in our culture. Early civilisations believed in Earth, Wind and Fire as Gods. The Bible describes 3 aspects or forms of God - The father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. These 3 parts come together in perfect harmony to form the holy trinity. 3 is also the number of the resurrection, for it was the 3rd day after his death on which Jesus rose, apparently. How many wise men? 3!!!!!
The triangle. Perhaps the most important and interesting manifestations of the number 3, 3 sides, trusses or traingles are used create the strongest and most durable buildings, why? Becuase trianlges are stronger than circles or squares, which have 1 and 4 sides respectively
In the Muslim devotional rites, certain formulas are repeated 3 times and others 33 times, a devout Muslim will make a pilgrinage to one of 3 holy cities, Mecca, Medina and Jerusalem.
We talk about human beings having 3 parts, mind, body and soul.
In western art 3s are stressed, good composition forms a traingle, images are 'balanced' if they have three major elements to them. We have 3D cinema too.
Flags, generally tend to have 3 colours.
Computers use a 3 colour system of red, green and blue.
There are 3 primary colours.
In the world of sport, we talk about triple play in baseball, not double play, not quadrouple play, we have the triple crown in horse racing, a hat trick is 3 goals in one game.
We seperate things into animal, vegetable and mineral.
The earth is one THIRD land 2 THIRDS water.
In language we talk about things in 3 time frames, past, present and future. There are three persons in grammar. God stories have a beginning, middle and end.
Convinced of the importance and prevalence of the number 3 yet?
Allow me to continue...
The constellation of orion has 3 stars on his belt.
The Earth is the THIRD planet from the sun, thats one of my favourites!
In science, proteins have 3 structures, primary, secondary and tertiary.
There are 3 main domains into which life is divided: Archaea, Bacteria and Eukaryota.
DNA has a triple codon system for sequencing, the very basis of life.
Lithium is the third element in the periodic table, it also happens to be the 33rd most abundant element on Earth, a coincidence? I THINK NOT!
The Earth is made up of 3 sections, the core, mantle and crust.
There are 3 types of rock, metamorphic, sedimentary and Igneous.
We grade things in a 3 level tier.
A+, A, A-
Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil.
Proverb in 3s.
Third time lucky.....
3 strikes and you're out.
I could carry on....
All of these strange and wonderful realisations came to me after a discussion i had at work, and I though i'd share it, i find things like this really interesting.
Love heart...
made with a 3
Allow me to convince you that the number 3 is startilingly prevalent in human life.
Parents announce to errant, misbehaving children they are going to count to 3, not 2, or 4, but 3. In nursery rhymes, there are 3 blind mice, 3 little pigs went to market.
In Shakespear's Macbeth the 3 witches mumble "When shall we three meet again in thunder, lightning or in rain" Notice the 3 weather types..not 4 or 6 or 2, 3!
Superstition is rife with 3s, sayings such as "Third time lucky" and the belief that bad things come in 3s have long been present in our culture. Early civilisations believed in Earth, Wind and Fire as Gods. The Bible describes 3 aspects or forms of God - The father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. These 3 parts come together in perfect harmony to form the holy trinity. 3 is also the number of the resurrection, for it was the 3rd day after his death on which Jesus rose, apparently. How many wise men? 3!!!!!
The triangle. Perhaps the most important and interesting manifestations of the number 3, 3 sides, trusses or traingles are used create the strongest and most durable buildings, why? Becuase trianlges are stronger than circles or squares, which have 1 and 4 sides respectively

In the Muslim devotional rites, certain formulas are repeated 3 times and others 33 times, a devout Muslim will make a pilgrinage to one of 3 holy cities, Mecca, Medina and Jerusalem.
We talk about human beings having 3 parts, mind, body and soul.
In western art 3s are stressed, good composition forms a traingle, images are 'balanced' if they have three major elements to them. We have 3D cinema too.
Flags, generally tend to have 3 colours.
Computers use a 3 colour system of red, green and blue.
There are 3 primary colours.
In the world of sport, we talk about triple play in baseball, not double play, not quadrouple play, we have the triple crown in horse racing, a hat trick is 3 goals in one game.
We seperate things into animal, vegetable and mineral.
The earth is one THIRD land 2 THIRDS water.
In language we talk about things in 3 time frames, past, present and future. There are three persons in grammar. God stories have a beginning, middle and end.
Convinced of the importance and prevalence of the number 3 yet?
Allow me to continue...
The constellation of orion has 3 stars on his belt.
The Earth is the THIRD planet from the sun, thats one of my favourites!
In science, proteins have 3 structures, primary, secondary and tertiary.
There are 3 main domains into which life is divided: Archaea, Bacteria and Eukaryota.
DNA has a triple codon system for sequencing, the very basis of life.
Lithium is the third element in the periodic table, it also happens to be the 33rd most abundant element on Earth, a coincidence? I THINK NOT!
The Earth is made up of 3 sections, the core, mantle and crust.
There are 3 types of rock, metamorphic, sedimentary and Igneous.
We grade things in a 3 level tier.
A+, A, A-
Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil.
Proverb in 3s.
Third time lucky.....
3 strikes and you're out.
I could carry on....
All of these strange and wonderful realisations came to me after a discussion i had at work, and I though i'd share it, i find things like this really interesting.
Love heart...
made with a 3
And no reference to "The Power of Three" in Charmed? 

I'm not sweetheart, going to manchester on friday to see my brother and then going home home from there, i'll be back sometime around the 30th/29th ish