A few months ago, I had a mole removed from the back of my right hand. My great-grandfather had melanoma; it's best to be safe about these things.
Long story short, when the little round patch of skin healed some of the melanin bled back in, leaving a mark that looks remarkably like a little mustachioed face on the back of my hand. It looks a lot like Kurt Russell in Tombstone, actually. Perhaps I should get a little cowboy hat tattooed on his head.

Long story short, when the little round patch of skin healed some of the melanin bled back in, leaving a mark that looks remarkably like a little mustachioed face on the back of my hand. It looks a lot like Kurt Russell in Tombstone, actually. Perhaps I should get a little cowboy hat tattooed on his head.

Being vegetarish, I can't comply. But the city actually feels very little changed from when I was first here in '93.