I'm so dead tired. Today I shot Jo's first SG set. We decided on a baking theme because in my new house there is this extremely cute 50's style kitchen with old appliances and etc. Perfect for what we had in mind. So we get there and are all like OK let's get ready. So we go upstairs to the kitchen and THE STOVE IS GONE. The stove was like our inspiration for the set because it was so cute and 50's and hello BAKING. SOOOO we go out to the trash and see it out there. So we are like well we can just take it back inside, up a flight of steps, and it will be fine. OMG we are soooo retarded...it took us forever to get the huge HEAVY stove all the way upstairs. It was ridiculous lol. But SOMEHOW we managed to get it back in its original place and clean the kitchen and get everything prepared. The set was soooo cute because Jo dressed all 50's pinup style and her outfit matched the kitchen. Then we started the shoot and it was basically her making coookies and being cute. So then we decide to end the set by her accidentally burning the cookies. So we had to take the cookies downstairs to the other kitchen (yes m'house has two kitchens lol) to the stove that actually worked and purposely burn the cookies. Welllll I turned up the over really high and well....the cookies got burnt. Thats for sure -they friggin lookes like coals but that was how we wanted them .Too bad I filled the whole house with burnt cookie smell and loads of smoke.
hehehe. But the good news is the set turned out pretty well. I shot about 450 pictures so we def have more than enough. Jo seemed pretty pleased with the results. We had a terrible time with lighting but I just made the best of it and tried to angle the camera just so, so that it would look alright.
I reallllllllllllllllllllllllly hope the set gets accepted because we went through hell to get it. But I think it should, it is cute and pretty well-shot. Jo still has to get accepted to SG lol BUT I am pretty much positive she will get accepted...I mean she is perfect for SG in every way.
Then afterwards we had to clean up the whole baking mess (which we spilled a lot of stuff on purpose to make it look all cutesy) and return the stove to the garbage.
Then we went out to eat with everyone from Jo's work. They were drunk and well, quite amusing.
Now I am sooo tired and exhausted but I'm not sleepy, if that makes sense. My body is exhausted but I couldnt sleep right now. I realised how weak I am today when carrying that stove. I still just feel like sick and weak from having a sinus infection or the flu or whatev. I actually spent most of the day throwing up and being sick but I pulled myself together for the shoot...somehow. blah.
I really want to start looking through the milion pics but I don't feel like dealing with them right now. I'll do it morrow. I need to watch Angels In America.
I'm so dead tired. Today I shot Jo's first SG set. We decided on a baking theme because in my new house there is this extremely cute 50's style kitchen with old appliances and etc. Perfect for what we had in mind. So we get there and are all like OK let's get ready. So we go upstairs to the kitchen and THE STOVE IS GONE. The stove was like our inspiration for the set because it was so cute and 50's and hello BAKING. SOOOO we go out to the trash and see it out there. So we are like well we can just take it back inside, up a flight of steps, and it will be fine. OMG we are soooo retarded...it took us forever to get the huge HEAVY stove all the way upstairs. It was ridiculous lol. But SOMEHOW we managed to get it back in its original place and clean the kitchen and get everything prepared. The set was soooo cute because Jo dressed all 50's pinup style and her outfit matched the kitchen. Then we started the shoot and it was basically her making coookies and being cute. So then we decide to end the set by her accidentally burning the cookies. So we had to take the cookies downstairs to the other kitchen (yes m'house has two kitchens lol) to the stove that actually worked and purposely burn the cookies. Welllll I turned up the over really high and well....the cookies got burnt. Thats for sure -they friggin lookes like coals but that was how we wanted them .Too bad I filled the whole house with burnt cookie smell and loads of smoke.

I reallllllllllllllllllllllllly hope the set gets accepted because we went through hell to get it. But I think it should, it is cute and pretty well-shot. Jo still has to get accepted to SG lol BUT I am pretty much positive she will get accepted...I mean she is perfect for SG in every way.
Then afterwards we had to clean up the whole baking mess (which we spilled a lot of stuff on purpose to make it look all cutesy) and return the stove to the garbage.
Then we went out to eat with everyone from Jo's work. They were drunk and well, quite amusing.
Now I am sooo tired and exhausted but I'm not sleepy, if that makes sense. My body is exhausted but I couldnt sleep right now. I realised how weak I am today when carrying that stove. I still just feel like sick and weak from having a sinus infection or the flu or whatev. I actually spent most of the day throwing up and being sick but I pulled myself together for the shoot...somehow. blah.
I really want to start looking through the milion pics but I don't feel like dealing with them right now. I'll do it morrow. I need to watch Angels In America.

Now I want chocolate chip cookies still warm from the oven.

Wow .. hehehe .. you shure went through a lot of work to get that photo shoot