Wow! Thank you all SO much for all the birthday greetings!
I had a lovely birthday, the best ever in fact! My co-worker and friend, Sam, and I share the same birthday. So this morning at work my boss gave us Borders gift certificates and brought in a ridiculous array of sweets. So Sam and I had a major sugarhigh and it was just crazy. Also, my best, John, stopped by and gave me a mixed CD.
Then after work my friends who I invited to participate in birthday plans called to say that they weren't going to come after all.
But I improvised and called Amelia and Jen and asked them if they wanted to come. So then me, Sam, Max, and Clarissa went to my house to meet Amelia. Then all of us went to Twisted Images where Sam and I both got our tragus pierced. It was cute cuz I got mine on the right and she got hers on the left. I love the people who work at Twisted Images....they are all awesome. Yay! So then we met up with Jen and allll of us went out to eat at Ditto's and then Zak showed up. So it was pretty amazing.
I was, of course, dissapointed that my friends bailed on me...but at the same time I sort of expected them to (I would explain but its kind of complicated). But I made it work cuz I invited other people who were amazing enough to come.
My birthday was just freaking great!!! I can't believe how many phone calls and emails I got today. You are all so very amazingly sweet and I really appreciate it
I just got home a bit ago and I can't stop smiling. I am, however, ready to take a hot shower and crawl into bed to watch some Will & Grace. It has been a long day...a satisfying day...but long.
Oh, and another thing that is sweet about birthdays- discounts on piercings and free desserts!! Neat!!
I had a lovely birthday, the best ever in fact! My co-worker and friend, Sam, and I share the same birthday. So this morning at work my boss gave us Borders gift certificates and brought in a ridiculous array of sweets. So Sam and I had a major sugarhigh and it was just crazy. Also, my best, John, stopped by and gave me a mixed CD.

I was, of course, dissapointed that my friends bailed on me...but at the same time I sort of expected them to (I would explain but its kind of complicated). But I made it work cuz I invited other people who were amazing enough to come.
My birthday was just freaking great!!! I can't believe how many phone calls and emails I got today. You are all so very amazingly sweet and I really appreciate it
I just got home a bit ago and I can't stop smiling. I am, however, ready to take a hot shower and crawl into bed to watch some Will & Grace. It has been a long day...a satisfying day...but long.
Oh, and another thing that is sweet about birthdays- discounts on piercings and free desserts!! Neat!!
[Edited on Mar 07, 2006 7:22PM]