yay. im back from rocky. i wasnt going to go because i was feeling all blah and antisocial...even though i already had a ticket. But then Buddy IMed me and asked if I was so I was like...I guesss...
Anyway I am glad I went. Buddy came over beforehand and we had fun conversations about makeup and random things. Then we went to Rocky and it was kind of...so-so...the crowd was not fun. Also John had to end up filling in for Tony at the last minute and he wasnt prepared at all. He was going to be Eddie so that left NO EDDIE but then some random girl did it. So everything was all F'ed up. But afterwards we went to Steak N Shake as always with the cast, which was the usual fun.
Next weekend we are going to see The Cackler. w00t! lol
Anyway, sorry that I didn't come say hi to the SG people...I was really kind of out of it.
You better come next time to Rocky because they are going to do a special one.
I promise it will be hella tight. Or something...?
The best part of the night was seeing my poodle (john) and my glam buddy (buddy). They are fantastic boys and I adore them.
Also, I hadnt really hung out with John in a while and it always feels weird when I dont get to see him. We have our own language in a way so its scary. We have the Will & Grace thing where we can be like:
Me: You remember when..
Him: Yes and that guy with the..
me: YES! And he said...
Him: YES!
etc. we can read each others mind. We also are like Jack and Karen because we are catty bitches and we molest each other, of course.
Anyway, I need to go...not be on the computer anymore.
I want to curl up in bed and watch a movie.
I love living alone now because I can be naked around my house all the time. Or almost naked since its kinda cold to be completely nude. Yeah that was random.
Anyway I am glad I went. Buddy came over beforehand and we had fun conversations about makeup and random things. Then we went to Rocky and it was kind of...so-so...the crowd was not fun. Also John had to end up filling in for Tony at the last minute and he wasnt prepared at all. He was going to be Eddie so that left NO EDDIE but then some random girl did it. So everything was all F'ed up. But afterwards we went to Steak N Shake as always with the cast, which was the usual fun.
Next weekend we are going to see The Cackler. w00t! lol
Anyway, sorry that I didn't come say hi to the SG people...I was really kind of out of it.
You better come next time to Rocky because they are going to do a special one.

The best part of the night was seeing my poodle (john) and my glam buddy (buddy). They are fantastic boys and I adore them.
Also, I hadnt really hung out with John in a while and it always feels weird when I dont get to see him. We have our own language in a way so its scary. We have the Will & Grace thing where we can be like:
Me: You remember when..
Him: Yes and that guy with the..
me: YES! And he said...
Him: YES!
etc. we can read each others mind. We also are like Jack and Karen because we are catty bitches and we molest each other, of course.
Anyway, I need to go...not be on the computer anymore.
I want to curl up in bed and watch a movie.

I love living alone now because I can be naked around my house all the time. Or almost naked since its kinda cold to be completely nude. Yeah that was random.

Happy Birthday

Happy birthday