Happy New Year, bitches!
This year I promise to comment more on your posts. I am really bad about that. I don't really feel bad about not commenting but at the same time...it is fun when I get comments so I may as well spread the fun, yes? Goddam, I'm starting out the new year so nice!
I am still at my parents
(man i so love that smiley) but hopefully I am gonna go home soon. My mom keeps guilt tripping me into staying longer. Now she says she will finally take me to the doctor to see about my back on Monday (remember my back injury several weeks ago? yeah...still having horrible pain from that) so I might have to stay until then. Blah. But that's only one more day.
I still have one more week off from uni. Rock. I am suuch a dork but I kind of want school to start again and work too. My job is grand.
I started a major diet today. 2005 will forever be known as my fat year.
Ok, well enough internet dork time...I need to get out of the house for a while.
This year I promise to comment more on your posts. I am really bad about that. I don't really feel bad about not commenting but at the same time...it is fun when I get comments so I may as well spread the fun, yes? Goddam, I'm starting out the new year so nice!
I am still at my parents

I still have one more week off from uni. Rock. I am suuch a dork but I kind of want school to start again and work too. My job is grand.
I started a major diet today. 2005 will forever be known as my fat year.
Ok, well enough internet dork time...I need to get out of the house for a while.

I feel really bad when I dont comment, I hate when I miss one of my friends journals so I try not to ever let that happen!
Well if you live in the same city doesnt she see you all the time? and I dont know anything about a back injury so why dont you tell me about it!
What is uni. Rock and where do you work?
You dont look fat to me, you look pretty hot if you dont mind me saying so, and if you do mind me saying so its to late because I already said it!