Okay, sorry image is blurry in some parts (my scanner is crap). So I was reading my psych textbook. I looked at this picture and I did not consider saving any of the above people but I thought the following things:
a) Why are these people so stupid that they would just be standing in the middle of trolley tracks?
b) They probably want to die if they are just standing there like idiots.
c) I wouldn't save any of them because I don't know them and they are stupid and deserve to die anyway.
d) Situation B is really funny. Just imagining some fat gentleman stopping a trolley made me actually laugh out loud. I wish they would have shown a picture of that happening. Even now I keep randomly laughing at loud thinking about it.
e) What the hell are those people doing anyway??
So I realized that:
a) Man, am I insensitive.
b) I am really horribly arrogant and I make myself seem above everyone else (Just for clarification: I don't really see myself as so much smarter than everyone. I just feel that humanity is ridiculously horribly stupid in general. And that includes myself.)
c) I have a sick sense of humor.
If you thought any of the aforementioned things while viewing the image, you are probably a horrible person as well. And I probably get along with you.
So I learned a lot from my psychology textbook! I was supposed to learn from that example that people use their prefrontal cortex, part of the cingulate gyrus, and the angular gyrus when making a decision about right and wrong.
Back to studying or whatever.

Okay, sorry image is blurry in some parts (my scanner is crap). So I was reading my psych textbook. I looked at this picture and I did not consider saving any of the above people but I thought the following things:
a) Why are these people so stupid that they would just be standing in the middle of trolley tracks?
b) They probably want to die if they are just standing there like idiots.
c) I wouldn't save any of them because I don't know them and they are stupid and deserve to die anyway.
d) Situation B is really funny. Just imagining some fat gentleman stopping a trolley made me actually laugh out loud. I wish they would have shown a picture of that happening. Even now I keep randomly laughing at loud thinking about it.
e) What the hell are those people doing anyway??
So I realized that:
a) Man, am I insensitive.
b) I am really horribly arrogant and I make myself seem above everyone else (Just for clarification: I don't really see myself as so much smarter than everyone. I just feel that humanity is ridiculously horribly stupid in general. And that includes myself.)
c) I have a sick sense of humor.
If you thought any of the aforementioned things while viewing the image, you are probably a horrible person as well. And I probably get along with you.
So I learned a lot from my psychology textbook! I was supposed to learn from that example that people use their prefrontal cortex, part of the cingulate gyrus, and the angular gyrus when making a decision about right and wrong.
Back to studying or whatever.
in any of those situations i'd just call for Superman...
thanks for the comment on my set!