Today would of been one of the most boring day's of my whole entire life!...
because i managed to do.. FUCK ALL!!!...
HHrrmm well i sleept some, somthing i dont seem to do much of lately since ive had a bad cold, and feel like my heads gona explode, and can not even go to work because i may infect somone, and then they might want to kill me because this viru's is some piece of work! *phew*
But i did manage to sell some old skool vintage nintendo game and watch stuff on ebay for some good $$$$ So that brought a snotty smile onto my that sounded so wrong, bit i'll leave it for the gross factor!!
Anyway i might go drag my miserable arse into bed now... Night all!
Today would of been one of the most boring day's of my whole entire life!...
because i managed to do.. FUCK ALL!!!...
HHrrmm well i sleept some, somthing i dont seem to do much of lately since ive had a bad cold, and feel like my heads gona explode, and can not even go to work because i may infect somone, and then they might want to kill me because this viru's is some piece of work! *phew*
But i did manage to sell some old skool vintage nintendo game and watch stuff on ebay for some good $$$$ So that brought a snotty smile onto my that sounded so wrong, bit i'll leave it for the gross factor!!
Anyway i might go drag my miserable arse into bed now... Night all!

Night, get better! Oo