I'm so sorry for being so quiet guys! Turns out my broadband has decided to adjust it's controls so I'm not allowed on the site when I'm at home currently 🙈 doh!!!! Should be fixed at the start of next week. Hope you all have a fantastic weekend ❤❤❤❤❤❤
super excited to be shooting a new set for you guys. Myself and Gemma were a bit worse for wear with colds last time we shot. Gemma did an amaaaaaaaazing job none the less, myself....not so much! Finger crossed i will be on top form this time haha.
Im so stuck for wardrobe ideas so any would be greatly appreciated. Its so difficult knowing which...
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Hope everyone has a lovely night whatever they are doing! Happy new year ❤❤❤ xxxxx
Sorry I have been so quiet on my profile. I now have a working laptop so i will be able to keep active on the site and reply to messages and comments! Hope you all had a lovely Christmas xxxx
sorry for the lack of action on this page, now my Instagram is linked I'm able to update regularly :)
I am awaiting my next photo set shoot too which is happening with the awesome Gemma Edwards staff photographer on the 20th April! Very excited ❤️❤️❤️