Am I the only human on Earth that has never done any drugs or smoke weed or drink alcohol?
I feel outcasted by everyone I know and everywhere I go because of this.
whenever I get asked either about weed or alcohol and then hear I don’t do either and have no interest in it, I get the look like I’m not human or that something is wrong with me.
Then after this happens I start to think about other things. Like the fact I don’t have a tattoo or a piercing. I have never been in trouble with the police. Then I look at myself and think am I doing this wrong? Am I not fully experiencing life?
Maybe it’s just me. I have always had the scientific backing that doing drugs alters my state of being and it affects everyone differently. I have always done material arts and have a very strong discipline. I can say no to anything. I never feel pressured to do anything. And to think something could alter my state to the point I can’t remember an experience or forget that real life is real life scares the shit out of me.
I would never want to dumb down my connection with my life. Due to this I never take pain medication. I want to experience every inch or emotion and sometimes it’s good or bad.
I guess it’s not that I’m different, but because I’m me that makes me different.