Monday Oct 29, 2007 Oct 28, 2007 0 Facebook Tweet Email VIEW 6 of 6 COMMENTS calamity: Hahaha. I wish I would. I just looked and they wrote on one of the reward posters "FORGET ABOUT IT!!!!" Fucking assholes. It's so totally sold. Nov 1, 2007 tetris: hey! it's marilyn! I don't know if you remember me, maybe you do, i went to vegan thanksgiving with fragilocyte last year, thanks to that dinner, i went vegan! Almost a year now! super excited! well, just saying hi! <3 Marilyn Nov 1, 2007
I wish I would.
I just looked and they wrote on one of the reward posters "FORGET ABOUT IT!!!!"
Fucking assholes. It's so totally sold.
I don't know if you remember me, maybe you do, i went to vegan thanksgiving with fragilocyte last year, thanks to that dinner, i went vegan! Almost a year now! super excited! well, just saying hi!
<3 Marilyn