Let's see...
"Single" life has been... GREAT!
I love not having to answer to anyone. Not to say I have been out raising hell, but I like coming and going as I please. I have a my fair share of lonely times, when I almost wish my life was as it was before... eight years is a long time. Shit's been good though. I have been loving the beautiful weather, I have been riding around in my super hot car with my super hot friends in tow.
One of my girlfriends, whom I work with, is moving to Arizona to be closer to her fam and new boy. I am so happy for her but I am sad for myself. I will miss Bri-Bri so effing much, she is my sunshine. We are only two days apart in age and our lives mimic each other's so much that it's eerie.
I have been spending a lot of time with this guy that I have known forever... I would hate to label what it is because it's barely a bleep on the radar. And it really can't be more than that, at least not for a long time. Only the future can tell what's in store.
Anywho later bitches!
"Single" life has been... GREAT!
I love not having to answer to anyone. Not to say I have been out raising hell, but I like coming and going as I please. I have a my fair share of lonely times, when I almost wish my life was as it was before... eight years is a long time. Shit's been good though. I have been loving the beautiful weather, I have been riding around in my super hot car with my super hot friends in tow.
One of my girlfriends, whom I work with, is moving to Arizona to be closer to her fam and new boy. I am so happy for her but I am sad for myself. I will miss Bri-Bri so effing much, she is my sunshine. We are only two days apart in age and our lives mimic each other's so much that it's eerie.
I have been spending a lot of time with this guy that I have known forever... I would hate to label what it is because it's barely a bleep on the radar. And it really can't be more than that, at least not for a long time. Only the future can tell what's in store.
Anywho later bitches!

I have my cats back!!!
Just in time for Molly's Birthday... she will be one soon. I missed them sooo much.
I also effectively ruined my quasi-relationship today. I am such a meatball. I hate myself sometimes. Time for bed.