Well I am still sort-of sick, but much improved.
If I cough one more time I am removing my lungs.
At least I got an extra weekend off!
My brother has been living with us.
It has been good so far.
He has a new girlfriend, she's all right.
She kind of has a fat ass.
He is still trying to get a job.
Lawyers are expensive.
Fines are expensive.
I was rich for brief period of time.
Oh well.
I hate all this planning.
School, work, wedding, trip to Vegas, moving....
I am going to have a nervous breakdown.
On a positive note my aunts and uncle from out west are up visiting.
I haven't seen one of my aunts since I was eight.
I haven't seen most of my father's 15 brothers and sisters since I was eight.
Well that's it!
My birthday is coming up.
And I am getting old.
I may retire drinking after my birthday.
Later C-U-N-T-S
If I cough one more time I am removing my lungs.
At least I got an extra weekend off!
My brother has been living with us.
It has been good so far.
He has a new girlfriend, she's all right.
She kind of has a fat ass.

He is still trying to get a job.
Lawyers are expensive.
Fines are expensive.
I was rich for brief period of time.
Oh well.
I hate all this planning.
School, work, wedding, trip to Vegas, moving....
I am going to have a nervous breakdown.
On a positive note my aunts and uncle from out west are up visiting.
I haven't seen one of my aunts since I was eight.
I haven't seen most of my father's 15 brothers and sisters since I was eight.
Well that's it!
My birthday is coming up.
And I am getting old.
I may retire drinking after my birthday.
Later C-U-N-T-S

if you focus on what a kick-ass time you will have at all these wondrous upcoming events maybe planning won't be such a horrendous task?
happy birthday for next week babe!!!
take care of you xox
ps. i noticed your page cos you profile says you like rockabilly which i also do, and you are a nursing student, which i was earlier this year. until i decided i was just not ready for that career, now i catch hospital shows on tv and wonder if i ever will be.
so best of luck to you! you are doing what i couldn't xox