Let's see... everything is going well...
In about two months or less I am starting classes...
I am still at the gym everyday... I can do five miles in 50 minutes now!
I am getting married in September...
Um that's it!!!
Later hos! wink
I'm so glad that you and your hubby have worked things out.

We need to hang out sometime soon.
Update! Khaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan! Khaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan! Update, Vegavenom, my old friend.

(Jeez, I hope you get that reference, or I just look fucking stupid) wink
Update! Update!
Let's see... I still live at the gym.
I run 5 miles a day - every day.
I have lost 22 pounds... hawt!
My work is paying for my school!
I am starting my new job and classes in two months!
My work is going to pay me an hourly rate while I'm at school...
then I only have to work 16 hours...
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"just like heaven" kiss skull kiss
Let's see... nothing really new to report... actually that's a lie!!!
I have been working a lot lately and my free time is spent at the gym...
Ummm... I have decided to get married at the end of the summer at my parents house so I can save some moneys because....
I am going to Europe for 18 days next April... it's going to be...
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yay a wedding!

pageing dr. angie dr. angie to the thirs floor. kiss skull kiss
Nice, full schedule! I think getting married at a home is really, really cool. I know several people who have done it, and it has always been a nice affair. Have a great time in Europe, and congratulations on the impending nuptuals. smile
New Year's was crazy...
That's the only way to describe it!!!
I went out to the Coat with a group of friends...
then I ran into like 6 people I haven't seen in forever...
I woke up with people's phone #'s in my phone...
I vaguely remember midnight...
it involved noise makers, crowns, and lots of kissy faces...
then we stumbled 20 minutes to Danielle's...
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ahh yess the new years madness!

at 12:01 kisses in the bathroom

at 12:35 a wild set to ring in the new year.. there is something horribly wonderful about playing in the basement of a drag club!

at 1:30 after party at pan9-this giant factory cum art studio. vodka, beats, dolls atached to tamborines inpromptu prefomance in the hallways and dancing in the snow

at 5:35 wandering the streets empty and snow coverd wishing on snow flakes and bluding little snow men here and there

at 6:04 finally finding the car too drunk and sleepy to drive we push back the seats and nap (the wonders of an suv!). sweet dreams and Queen MAb!

at 7:23 i awake the sun is only just risen and every thing is beauitful and coated with snows. i cautoiuusly drive to walts mothers house in melrose- how pretty the city looks on new years day!

the only thing missing was you my love!
kiss skull kiss
I want to take a moment to wish all my friends in SG land a very Merry Christmas! Thank you for all of your love and support over the course of this year! If you are on my friends list it is for a good reason... I don't just add people in order to obtain the world's largest friend's list! It's quality not quanity people!...
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Hey. Nobody likes you. Me too. Happy-soon-to-be New Year wink smile
happy new year my love! we will find time for each other in the new year, that is my resoultion! kiss skull kiss
We cannot banish dangers, but we can banish fears.
We must not demean life by standing in awe of death.
-David Sarnoff

I still miss you.
It still hurts.
If I live to be 105 I'll never get over you.
You made me understand what forever means.
Ouch... frown
aww.. frown cheer up darlin' wink
Memories are good.
It's been a fun filled week. I am now working 9 hour shifts at work... but I loves it and the money is good. I have been spending all my time working, at the gym, with my family or sleeping. Tonight will be my first "night out" with the crew in a long assed time. We are going out to dinner at the Muddy River...
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the muddy river and the coat? i need to get out to portsmouth again soon!

thanks for the tattoo compliment ho-bag!
Hope that you had a great time, and you lucky G*%damn girl, living in Beantown. Good for you.

Good to hear that your health is well, and that you're still at the gym. I've been going a lot lately as well (90% for cardio). Stick with it.

Merry Christmas! smile
Hey there bitches!!!
It's been a fun filled week...
Work has been craziness...
holiday prep... etc...
I am still addicted to the gym!
I've been spending about 2 hours there per night...
I love it... it sounds cheesy but it's the best natural high...
Anywho I am watching ELF and then it's bedtime!!!
Later cunt rags!!!
kiss kiss kiss
Yeah we should all definitely get together soon. After the craziness of the holidays dies down though. I'm glad that things are better between you and James.

Elf is one of the worst movies ever. Seriously. tongue
i'm on a complete holiday film kick too-rudolph, simpsons x-mass, x-mas story, and home alone ;p
Update! Update!
Actually nothing exciting has been going on...
I am still not sick.
I have surgery in Feb.
I have been going to the gym every day.
I have been sleeping amazingly.
I have not drank or smoked in almost a month.
I have considered never drinking or smoking again.
I got a promotion at work.
I need to shower!
Anywho... take care SG...
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shite and oniions! Things are going good for you, yeah? Well keep it up, and I'll wish you well for Feb.

Go and wish Shawndaddy a very happy birthday now. biggrin
hey punk ass!

how goes the not smoking or drinking?

i have not been drinking much either.

i kind of like it.

the people at the liquor store will be sad.
So I feel the need to update... so here goes...
I feel a lot better. I still have at least one surgery left, but I am very optimistic that everything will go well. My friend Dawn is moving back from London on December 5th... and then she's coming to work for me 24 hours a week. I am uber excited for that! I am looking...
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Happy Spanksgiving Ho Bag! smile

Happy Thanksgiving to you too!
Great year granted wink biggrin
So I am still sick... I have my second surgery on Thursday... I have almost completely lost my voice... I have conjunctivitis in my left eye, double ear infections, a sinus infection, and oh yea bronchitis... my body has shit the bed. Work has been going well I am hiring another assistant!!! So exciting! I am going to try and clean my house today... that...
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While I do have favorites, I don't like to limit myself to one inebriate (my own word, you should know). I'm down with Bourbon now too biggrin

How are we feeling, tough girl?
I hope that you are feeling better darlin'.

Have a great Thanksgiving. wink
So I'm sick. A lot sicker than I thought I was, but I am getting through this and I will survive.I've just got a longer road to recovery and I'm fine with that. I have another surgery scheduled on Nov 17th. I am not neverous at all. Compared to the last one this is cake.
On a brighter note I am getting tattooed really soon....
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I hate going under the knife.... when you do extreme sports and martial arts you really start to dislike hospitals.

hope you feel better.
i lovees you! you are one strong dame!
why the cute pink heart?