Chocolate , The Legal Love Drug
A recent article in Forbes revealed the secret of our passion for chocolate.
Neuropharmacologists at San Diego's Neurosciences Institute have isolated a chemical in chocolate with a marijuanalike compound , the neurotransmitter anandamide . Additionally , there are two compounds in chocolate that slow down the disintegration of anandamide , theoretically prolonging the pleasurable sensation it has brought on . What that means is that chocolate may keep you feeling good , longer.
And that's not where the drug connection ends . University of Michigan's Nutritional Sciences program director Adam Drewnowski has done studies that suggest that eating high-fat chocolates can trigger the brain's production of the opiate endorphin. Opiates are associated with addiction, so it is possible that every time you eat a piece of chocolate, you get a little closer to establishing an addictive relationship with the stuff.
There's more , Chocolate contains caffeine and theobromine, both stimulants, as well as tryptophan , an amino acid that contributes to the production of serotonin , which in turn diminishes anxiety and in high enough doses causes elation.
The drug Ecstasy , also known as the " love drug " , works in a similar fashion .
And , chocolate contains phenylethylamine, the " love chemical " . This amine seems to raise dopamine levels in the brain----and dopamine peaks in production during orgasm .
Have a Happy and Passionate Valentine Day
A recent article in Forbes revealed the secret of our passion for chocolate.
Neuropharmacologists at San Diego's Neurosciences Institute have isolated a chemical in chocolate with a marijuanalike compound , the neurotransmitter anandamide . Additionally , there are two compounds in chocolate that slow down the disintegration of anandamide , theoretically prolonging the pleasurable sensation it has brought on . What that means is that chocolate may keep you feeling good , longer.
And that's not where the drug connection ends . University of Michigan's Nutritional Sciences program director Adam Drewnowski has done studies that suggest that eating high-fat chocolates can trigger the brain's production of the opiate endorphin. Opiates are associated with addiction, so it is possible that every time you eat a piece of chocolate, you get a little closer to establishing an addictive relationship with the stuff.
There's more , Chocolate contains caffeine and theobromine, both stimulants, as well as tryptophan , an amino acid that contributes to the production of serotonin , which in turn diminishes anxiety and in high enough doses causes elation.
The drug Ecstasy , also known as the " love drug " , works in a similar fashion .
And , chocolate contains phenylethylamine, the " love chemical " . This amine seems to raise dopamine levels in the brain----and dopamine peaks in production during orgasm .

thanks for the congrats btw!