? Elect A Female President ?
A new research study by Dr. Luan Brizendine at the University of California reveals some interesting facts regarding brainpower that suggest we should elect a female president.
There is no unisex brain according to Dr. Brizendine.
Women have an eight-lane superhighway for processing emotion while men have a small country road. Females speak more quickly and devote more brainpower to talking.The reason is because male and female brains are wired differently.
These differences can be traced back to the womb.
A flood of testosterone shapes the brain of the baby boy , and the areas that process communication, emotion, and memory end up less developed than in females.
Food for thought , when we vote in 2008 .
We will need more brainpower and less testosterone at the White House ,
to resolve the Iraq strategy blunder.
Nancy appears to have George worried , as he defends his testosteronies.
She obviously has superior verbal communication skills.

A new research study by Dr. Luan Brizendine at the University of California reveals some interesting facts regarding brainpower that suggest we should elect a female president.
There is no unisex brain according to Dr. Brizendine.
Women have an eight-lane superhighway for processing emotion while men have a small country road. Females speak more quickly and devote more brainpower to talking.The reason is because male and female brains are wired differently.
These differences can be traced back to the womb.
A flood of testosterone shapes the brain of the baby boy , and the areas that process communication, emotion, and memory end up less developed than in females.
Food for thought , when we vote in 2008 .
We will need more brainpower and less testosterone at the White House ,
to resolve the Iraq strategy blunder.
Nancy appears to have George worried , as he defends his testosteronies.
She obviously has superior verbal communication skills.

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