Figured I better update this damn thing...

And thanks to those that sent me B-Day wishes.

Oh,, by the way... I am moving. (more to come later)
a year later...happy b-day
Happy Birthday

Xoxox night
I took a bit of a vacation in Seattle this last weekend. Only spent 4 days up there but I love it. I have a few friends that have been trying to convince me to move up there. Now maybe it is a possibility. I liked the people, the culture, the community in Seattle, and especially the weather! Nothing like coming from sunny 78 degree...
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Good God (or whatever form of higher being you choose) it has been a long time since I updated this thing. Work has been very busy. The hotel is undergoing major renovation and with the addition of the Monorail, my work load has tripled.

Bit of exciting news.... GoonCon 2K4 is coming to Vegas and they are staying at my hotel. Too bad I may...
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I have decided I need better organization of my music files. Too many duplicates and lost ID3 tags.... I need to get a handle on this. I am thinking about setting up an old computer as a Linux based music storage and jukebox. Wish me luck. I have never played with Linux before sothis should be interesting.

Ahh.. the weather is finally staying nice for...
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*coughs* update your journal*coughs*
SG finally has the Sevendust group!

Spread the word!
My health bar has only a sliver left in it, My endurance is fading fast and my mana is drained. One more day left...
"Put a candle in the window, 'cause I feel I've got to move. Though I'm going, going, I'll be coming home soon, 'Long as I can see the light."

Creedence Clearwater Revival
I have retreated from real life and renewed my subscription to an MMORPG. Heaven have mercy on my anti-social soul...
Yes, I have tried a a couple out... the couple I downloaded for Perfect Keylogger didn't seem to work for me but I got one for invisible keyloggerv1.2 and it worked like a charm... haven't really checked any of the others out thus far.... tell me if you have any problems with any of them, please. :-P or if you find anything worthwhile... I don't think I have the patience to browse them all.
He stands alone, surrounded by people.
He searches the faces in the room, seeking a glimpse of invitation.
Music in his ears deafens the room into a sea of faces engaged in laughter and conversation.
Each a microcosmic world of possibilites just beyond his reach.
He finds no welcome and retreats to the shadows.

Suddenly the music becomes a silent hum, he feels the air...
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frown frown Man I think you could use a hug. smile smile smile Were is Cheshire when you need her? mad

Don't feel too left out... we have all been there and anyone who tells you he has never been afraind to approach someone they are lying. All I got to say is "WelCome to the club." ooo aaa ooo aaa ooo aaa
Hmm...I guess you could look at it that way.

But I've always felt my feelings were more validated when people walked away realizing they just spent a good portion of their lives happy with someone else.

I don't need the headtrips, not that anyone does
More tattoo work tonight.... Sometimes I wish I was rich so I could get it all done at once instead of doing it nickel and dime. With all these slot machines in this damn town, I wish one would just burp up the jackpot when I walked by. Oh well. Maybe next time.
Hi! biggrin