well, well now what pray, does vegas have to tell....
I have managed to escape the sticky clutches of my pink candy cake...which unlike what other people might have tried to imply is a perfectly legit pirate hide out...pirate girls need their own pink fluffy rooms to entertain sailors in..there aint too much room for such boat rocking activities in a normal cabin..
well anyway, like i was saying..i have escaped the clutches of my brothel boudoir for good honest purposes..such as updating my journal and thanking one lurvely lady for the well (-well i've been using that word a lot today now havent I) most lurveliest suicide sugar surprise:
so thank you mademoiselle LILLITHVAIN
thank you also to all those spankingly wankalicious birthday wishes...that was a cherry on my cream puff....
hmmmmm..some sort of cake theme seems to be emerging today..
aside form that I have been watching people get handcuffed to bicycle baskets, adopting the line and then the green alien took me from behind-when i get the feeling noone is listening to me (try it it works), working out how to spell coco de mere and then realising it doesnt matter anyway since it seems they have no website or i still havent worked it out, listening to arcade fire, perving with my pirate, fantasising about opening my own clit shop, smiling and sleeping well, entering into the world of people who shower everyday before going to work...(a big step in my life of grime), giving rabits in goth clubs my ma's phone number, falling over in the rain in busy places, admiring ellen von unwerth's revenge book which if i were a boy would have spent the past three/four years wanking to the sample picture i saw of it way back then...but now i have zem all und i can make up for ze lost time...
have i ever told you that my dick is the best.
and here for the party bags with leftover cake:

I have managed to escape the sticky clutches of my pink candy cake...which unlike what other people might have tried to imply is a perfectly legit pirate hide out...pirate girls need their own pink fluffy rooms to entertain sailors in..there aint too much room for such boat rocking activities in a normal cabin..
well anyway, like i was saying..i have escaped the clutches of my brothel boudoir for good honest purposes..such as updating my journal and thanking one lurvely lady for the well (-well i've been using that word a lot today now havent I) most lurveliest suicide sugar surprise:

so thank you mademoiselle LILLITHVAIN

thank you also to all those spankingly wankalicious birthday wishes...that was a cherry on my cream puff....
hmmmmm..some sort of cake theme seems to be emerging today..
aside form that I have been watching people get handcuffed to bicycle baskets, adopting the line and then the green alien took me from behind-when i get the feeling noone is listening to me (try it it works), working out how to spell coco de mere and then realising it doesnt matter anyway since it seems they have no website or i still havent worked it out, listening to arcade fire, perving with my pirate, fantasising about opening my own clit shop, smiling and sleeping well, entering into the world of people who shower everyday before going to work...(a big step in my life of grime), giving rabits in goth clubs my ma's phone number, falling over in the rain in busy places, admiring ellen von unwerth's revenge book which if i were a boy would have spent the past three/four years wanking to the sample picture i saw of it way back then...but now i have zem all und i can make up for ze lost time...
have i ever told you that my dick is the best.
and here for the party bags with leftover cake:

Well thank you for the comment. It's hard to leave one for you without having such a low profile. By the way, you're quite the dish.
schau mal in meine pics. es gibt neue fotos von euch hasen. kssen und herzlich umarmen, jetzt...naja in gedanken. bis denn