This is my second journal.I wanna thank those who wrote me so many comments and private messages..It was unexpected.All the nice Suicide and "regular" girls(not only).I'm sorry if I'm slow at replying sometimes but my life is very busy with 2 bands and an art photographer's career to think about!I hope you all aprreciate the fact that I've posted 32 NEW PIX.The last months:broke up with my gf,done two exhibitions,played live with many bands that I like(Zao,P.T.W.,Dillinger,etc...)and known many other ones,I've been to Prague,Venice and NYC twice (and I'll be there again for new year's eve).I'm planning to move there..I'm just trying to figure how..properly!I've been to the Philippines and I've shot a huge reportage about the tropical islands beautiful things and...REAL CRUCIFIXIONS.Yeah,nails through hands and feet.Easter=Passion of Christ.It was a great experience.4 pairs of my sneakers were shot for an italian fashion magazine!Apparently they are limited editions or very rare to find in Italy(Zero's "Converse",Paul Frank's pro-keds,etc.).The world is so strange.I've written songs and lyrics for a couple of albums..I'm still doing it..Pretty exausted!But bigger things r gonna come.One night we had a show in a northern Italy small town.There was a girl there..I've never met her before but her face looked familiar,I had a strange feeling looking at her.After a short conversation I discovered that she was AIKI,the pretty italian SG!This world is so fuckin' small,dudes.Ah..It's better you know that I'm becoming more psychic and I'm developing new powers.Scary,uh?Always too many things to tell ya,folks!Stay tuned!With love and passion,
un ti si vede mai..
sul messenger un ci sei mai..
lavorare un tu lavori di sicuro e studiare nemmeno..
ma mi dici allora che cazzo fai?
eheh comunque noi si suona venerd 9 al controsenso a Prato e il 30 suono i al Tago Fest al Tago Mago.
suono con splinter vs. stalin, suoniamo i videogiochi con i pedalini e facciamo BZ XZX FFZZZZZ FZZZ FZ