on the road again....
i fucking hate chicago... so check this out....
I come back to chicago to get rent from the 'friends' sub-letting my apt... And when i get to the apt. One of the girls say's. "I'm pregnant, so im moving tomorrow, and not giving you any money. I never i signed anything, so your not getting a dime out of me" Funny, because she wasnt even paying rent, her parents where giving her the money...
JESUS FUCKING CHRIST... what the fuck is that...
'I'm pregnant, so all my responcibilitys are out the window."
and here is the real kicker... the was a NO ANIMAL PRODUCT rule in effect. She knew that when she moved in,,, but decided that, "Since i am pregnant i NEED to eat FLESH"
anyhow, im on the road again,,, the animals are calling.
