on wensday, one of my best friends died of a herion overdose... I'm in New Mexico, and didnt have any way to get back for the funeral... I've never lost someone that i had such a bond with. My grandfather died about four years ago, but it was expected, as he had been smoking all his life, and had basicly nothing left in the way of lungs...
This is the biggest let down ever, i saw him three weeks ago, and he told me he was clean, when i got back from my travels, he was going to move in with me in chicago, or at least stay for awile and get his shit straight.....
Hopefully his death will wake up the rest of my friends who turned to herion, just because they had nothing better to do,,, I can think of four people who are close to me, who will be next to go... And as much as id like to do something about it, there really isnt anything anyone can do....
This is the biggest let down ever, i saw him three weeks ago, and he told me he was clean, when i got back from my travels, he was going to move in with me in chicago, or at least stay for awile and get his shit straight.....
Hopefully his death will wake up the rest of my friends who turned to herion, just because they had nothing better to do,,, I can think of four people who are close to me, who will be next to go... And as much as id like to do something about it, there really isnt anything anyone can do....
my cousin dies recently...
not in a similar situation...
but loss is all the same....someone is gone and you can't bring them back...
some days its hard...
other days its harder...
i'm sorry